Ubuntu 18.04.2
Nvidia 1080ti
pcl-1.8 binary installed
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:v-launchpad-jochen-sprickerhof-de/pcl
sudo apt install libpcl-dev
ref: https://github.com/JanuszBedkowski/gpu_computing_in_robotics
This tutorial concerns robotic data processing with CUDA. Content of the tutorial:
Software was developed and tested on LINUX UBUNTU 14.04, 16.04 with following libraries OpenGL, GLUT, PCL 1.5, CUDA>=7.5
Each lesson is an independent software package, thus the following steps should be performed:
cd lesson_X
mkdir BUILD
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
This DEMO shows the parallel computing for fastSLAM. Each particle containes 3D map built based on registered Velodyne VLP16 3D semantic data. The result is corrected trajectory.
Run ./fastSLAM
and read instructions in console
to run example
./fastSLAM ../dataset/model_reduced_pointXYZIRNL.xml
(check help in console, e.g. type c to start computations, software was tested on GF1050Ti, thus for this example the single scan calculation takes up to 40ms)
This DEMO shows the use of GPU for robust robot localization based on 3D semantic data.
Run ./particle_filter_localization_fast
and read instructions in console
to run example
Run ./particle_filter_localization_fast ../dataset/metascan_pointXYZL.pcd ../dataset/odom_and_pointXYZL.xml
(check help in console, e.g. type i to start computations, software was tested on GF1050Ti, thus for this example the single particle filter calculation takes up to 50ms)