This is an Emotion Detection project, which classifies the emotion of a person in the image into 'sad' and 'not sad' categories, with the help of Genetic Algorithms by making use of the best subset of features.
- Developed in Python, with the help of libraries like numpy, pandas, skit-learn and matplot.
- Initially, the image dataset is preprocessed using the OpenFace Toolkit (, which generates a csv file containing the facial landmarks of each image fed in as an input.
- These features are then normalized, and the dataset is divided into 70% for training, 10% for validation and 20% for testing.
- To select the best features, the data is preprocessed by constructing a binary matrix which tells the user, whether to take the particular feature for classification or not.
- 1: Represents feature selected in the best subset.
- 0: Represents feature excluded from the best subset.
- Next, the Genetic Algorithm runs over the training dataset, training the classifier models Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine over the training dataset and validating them over the validation data.
- Accuracy of the model = No. of correctly classified samples/ Total No. of Samples
- The Genetic algorithm is implemeted with 3 different variations of Parent Selection, Crossover and Mutation.
- Finally the best subset of features is obtained through the algorithm.
(Tuned through Grid Search)
- The type of parent selection technique
- The type of crossover technique
- The type of mutation technique
- The type of classifier model
- The No of Generations
- The Population Size
- The No. of Parents involved in mating
- The Mutation Rate
- Rank Selection
- Tournament Selection
- Roulette wheel Selection
- Uniform crossover
- Two point crossover
- Single point crossover
- Bit flip mutation
- Swap mutation
- Inverse mutation
- Logistic Regression
- Support Vector Machines
Please check results.xlsx for more Details about the Results obtained.