You can use the program at
I haven't worked on this in a while and probably won't update it.
IXHell is an exaggerated version of IXL. If you somehow get a question right, it will find a dumb way to count it wrong. If you get a question wrong, you will have to answer about 10 more questions to get back to where you were. There isn't really any difference between this and IXL. That's pretty much it.
This is information about current/future releases of this program. This only has the most recent versions. A full list of versions can be found in ''.
This version will add a lesson for subtraction.
- Subtraction lesson
- Slightly better version of Smart Score
- You can actually get questions right
- Video tutorials!
Not sure what I'm going to add here.
- ???
This will be the first full release of the program
- Really hard
- Possible to beat (But really hard)
- More than two lessons (probably three)
- repo -
- goodergames website -
You can email me at or (That's pretty much it.)