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This application integrates an agenda in Slack.

It makes it possible for your team members to:

  • Browse your upcoming events
  • Filter events based on their categories
  • Register or unregister for events
  • Get reminders the day before an event to which they registered

all this from Slack

An image is worth a thousand words, here is what it looks like:

+---------------+  Read events            +----------+  Read events             +------------+
| CalDav server | <---------------------> | This app | <----------------------> | Your Slack |
+---------------+  Handle registrations   +----------+  Handle registrations    +------------+

What's the point

We developped this app because:

  • Our volunteers did not wanted to use too many different tools (so they appreciated having everything in Slack)
  • We did not had another convenient way to send a reminder

If you are in a similar situation you might find this useful

How to install

Prerequisites: you will need

  • A PHP web hosting (which has php-curl and which runs PHP 7.3 or a more recent version)
  • A slack space for your team (of course)
  • A CalDAV server (for instance you can use google calendar)
  • PHP Composer (you can get it from here)

In a nutshell: to install it you need to

  • Create the Slack app
  • install those PHP scripts
  • set up your configuration file
  • create the tables of the database

Create the Slack app

To create your app please follow this page, then click Create New App and choose from an app manifest file. Copy/paste the content of the file slack_app_manifest.yaml.sample, after having configured it (especially the fields: name, display_name and request_url). request_url must reach the file index.php on your HTTP server.

Installing the PHP scripts

Get the code:

curl -L >
cd Zero-Waste-Paris-slack-agenda-app-*
composer install --no-dev

Upload everything on your php hosting


cp config.json.sample config.json

Fill in the fields of config.json with:

  • the signing secret of your slack application. You will find it on the Basic Information tab on your Slack app dashboard;
  • bot and user tokens; You will find these on the Installed App tab on your Slack app dashboard;
  • the URL of your CalDAV agenda + login/pasword;
  • the fields error_mail_from and error_mail_to to get the app errors. See the monolog PHP logger. These fields are optional.
  • the optional fields prepend_block, append_block, empty_agenda_block and no_event_block to display custom information to users. You can use the Block Kit Builder to do so. These values must be filled with a JSON formated strings that represent a block not a list of blocks;
    • prepend_block: is used to display a message at the top of the app page;

    • prepend_block: is used to display a message at the bottom of the app page;

    • empty_agenda_block: is used to warn users that the agenda is empty;

    • no_event_block: is used to warn users that there is no match event (after applying filter(s));

    • An example of Slack Block is:

     "prepend_block" : {
         "type": "section",
         "text": {
             "type": "mrkdwn",
             "text": "*I will be displayed at the top of the app page in bold !.*"
  • logger_level, must be one of these;
  • There is two possible backends to store the events. You can choose between MySQL and SQLite.
    • To use the MySQL backend, the configuration is:
     "agenda" : {
         "db_type" : "MySQL",
         "db_host" : "localhost",
         "db_name" : "slack_app",
         "db_username" : "slack_app_user",
         "db_password" : "...",
         "db_table_prefix" : "slack_app_"
    • And to use the SQLite backend:
     "agenda" : {
         "db_type" : "sqlite",
         "path" : "/.../.../.../database.sqlite3"

At the end, make sure that the configuration file config.json is json formated (no comments like "//" must remain for example).

If you are using a Google calendar you should follow this doc to get your CalDAV credentials.

Create the tables of the database

From the directory where you installed the php files run:

./clitools database-create

(or, if you're on Windows:

 php clitools database-create


How personal data is handled

In a nutshell

When a user registers to an event, his or her personal date (namely: name and email adress as known by Slack) is:

  • cached in a sql table
  • sent to the remote caldav server

You can clean this old personal data by running:

./clitools clean-orphan-attendees # clean data from the database
./clitools pseudonymize-old-caldav-data # clean data from the caldav server

You should probably set a cron to run those tasks regularly.

What those cleaning commands do

The command which cleans data from the database is completely safe since the database is used as a cache. (If this data becomes needed again, it will be computed on the fly).

The command which clean the caldav server pseudonymizes the data in a deterministic way in order to still make it possible to compute statistics from it (for instance see ./plot/README)

Technical notes for admin

  • Unless you are a really big organization the slack rate limits should be really more than enough
  • To create an event that requires X participants you should add the category "PX". For instance for an event that requires 2 participants, set the category "P2" on the caldav server;
  • Logs are stored in files named like app-2022-03-21.log. You will have 10 days of logs. Older logs are deleted automatically.

Technical notes for for developers

This app is architectured as follows:

                          │       Slack       │
                HTTP requests ▷│       │
                 ➜ Events      │       │
                 ➜ Actions     │       │◁ Slack API requests
                               │       │
                               │       │
                               │       │
                        ┌──────▽───────┴─────┐    ┌────────────┐
                        │     HTTP server    │    │            │
                      - │ - - ▽ - - - △ - -  │    │  Database  │
 What this project▷  ╵  │      Slack app  ╵  ◁────│            │
 implements          ╵  │   CalDav client ╵  ────▷│            │
                     ╵  └──────────┬──────┴──┘    └────────────┘
                     └ - - - - - - │ - - -┘
                  CalDAV requests ▷│
                          ┌────────▽──────────┐   Ex: - Sabre (nextcloud, owndloud,etc.)
                          │   CalDAV server   │       - Google
                          └───────────────────┘       - etc.

Some useful documentation:


An agenda application for Slack







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Contributors 4
