Computer system architecture laboratory work #3
Full variant --
asm | stack | neum | mc | tick | struct | stream | port | cstr | prob2 | -
(source: asm | stack | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | cstr | prob2 | cache
Aimed for 30/40 points (variant made w/o complication).
Full report (in Russian) you may see here (Markdown):
Also in .pdf:
Task details:
This is a stack-machine CPU emulator!
- ISA & Assembly language translator
- Microcoded CPU with Data & Return stacks (full schema)
- Execution logs contains CPU state after every microinstruction + Memory Dump after HALT execution
- Written in pure Kotlin/JVM.
- Assembly Language
- Assembly Translator
- Computer Simulation
- Tests
- Usage Example
- Testing Source Example
- General stats
<line> ::= <label> <comment>? "\n"
| <instr> <comment>? "\n"
| <comment> "\n"
<program> ::= <line>*
<label> ::= <label_name> ":"
<instr> ::= <op0>
| <op1> " " <label_name>
| <op1> " " <positive_integer>
<op0> ::= "nop"
| "load"
| "store"
| "add"
| "sub"
| "mul"
| "div"
| "inc"
| "dec"
| "drop"
| "dup"
| "swap"
| "over"
| "and"
| "or"
| "xor"
| "jz"
| "jn"
| "jmp"
| "call"
| "ret"
| "in"
| "out"
| "halt"
<op1> ::= "lit"
| "word"
| "buf"
<positive_integer> ::= [0-9]+
<integer> ::= "-"? <positive_integer>
<lowercase_letter> ::= [a-z]
<uppercase_letter> ::= [A-Z]
<letter> ::= <lowercase_letter> | <uppercase_letter>
<letter_or_number> ::= <letter> | <integer>
<letter_or_number_with_underscore> ::= <letter_or_number> | "_"
<label_name> ::= <letter> <letter_or_number_with_underscore>*
<any_letter> ::= <letter_or_number_with_underscore> | " "
<comment> ::= " "* ";" " "* <letter_or_number_with_underscore>*
The Program completes sequentially, one instruction after another. Example of a program that calculates a factorial:
word 0 ; result accumulator
dup ; Stack: arg arg
lit 1 ; Stack: arg arg 1
sub ; Stack: arg 0/pos_num
lit break ; Stack: arg 0/pos_num break
swap ; Stack: arg break 0/pos_num
jz ; Stack: arg
dup ; Stack: arg arg
dec ; Stack: arg (arg - 1) -> arg
lit fac ; Stack: [...] arg fac
call ; Stack: [...] res
mul ; Stack: res
ret ; Stack: arg/res
lit 11 ; Stack: 11
lit fac ; Stack: 11 fac
call ; Stack: 11!
lit res ; Stack: 11! res_addr
store ; Stack: <empty>
halt ; halted
Assembly-only instructions:
WORD <literal>
– define a variable in memory.BUF <amount>
– define a zero-buffer in memory.
Computer/Assembly instructions:
– no operation.LIT <literal>
– push literal on top of the stack.LOAD { address }
– load value in memory by address.STORE { address, element }
– push value in memory by address.ADD { e1, e2 }
– push the result of the addition operation onto the stack e2 + e1.SUB { e1, e2 }
– push the result of the subtraction operation onto the stack e2 – e1.MUL { e1, e2 }
– push the result of the multiplication operation onto the stack e2 * e1.DIV { e1, e2 }
– push the result of the division operation onto the stack e2 / e1.MOD { e1, e2 }
– push the result of the mod operation onto the stack e2 % e1.INC { element }
– increment top of the stack.DEC { element }
– decrement top of the stack.DROP { element }
– remove element from stack.DUP { element }
– duplicate the first element (tos) on stack.SWAP { e1, e2 }
– swap 2 elements.OVER { e1 } [ e2 ]
– duplicate the first element on the stack through the second. If there is only one element on the stack, the behavior is undefined.AND { e1, e2 }
– push the result of a logical "AND" operation onto the stack e2 & e1.OR { e1, e2 }
– push the result of a logical "OR" operation onto the stack e2 | e1.XOR { e1, e2 }
– push the result of a logical "XOR" operation onto the stack e2 ^ e1.JZ { element, address }
– if the element is 0, start executing instructions at the specified address. A type of conditional jump.JN { element, address }
– if the element is negative, start executing instructions at the specified address. A type of conditional jump.JUMP { address }
– proceed an unconditional transition to the specified address.CALL { address }
– start execution of the procedure by the specified address.RET
– return from a procedure.IN { port }
– receive data from an external device by a specified port.OUT { port, value }
– receive data to an external device by a specified port.HALT
– stop clock generator and modeling process.
CLI: java -jar asm-1.0.jar <input_file> <target_file>
Implemented in asm module.
Two passes:
- Generation of machine code without jump addresses and calculation of jump label values. Assembly mnemonics are translated one-to-one into machine instructions; except for the WORD mnemonics. In its case, a variable is initialized in memory without any opcode. However, WORD, along with instructions, also supports labels.
- Substitution of transition marks in instructions.
CLI: java -jar comp-1.0.jar [-p | --program-file <filepath>] [-i | --input-file] [-o | --output-file] [<-stdout | --log-stdout> | <-l | --log-file <filepath>>] [--memory-initial-size <size>] [--data-stack-size <size>] [--return-stack-size <size>]
or java -jar comp-1.0.jar [-h | --help]
Implemented in comp module.
Processor schema's available here
Implemented integration golden-tests (based on Pytest Golden
For run test use this commands:
cd python
poetry run pytest . -v
For update golden-files, use this command (just add --update-goldens
cd python
poetry run pytest . -v --update-goldens
Legacy-way (Junit Platform 5
For run test use this commands:
# pwd ./csa3-140324-asm-stack
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.catTest"
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.helloTest"
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.helloUserNameTest"
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.prob2Test"
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.facTest"
For update golden-files, use this commands (just add -DupdateGolden=true
# pwd ./csa3-140324-asm-stack
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.catTest" -DupdateGolden=true
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.helloTest" -DupdateGolden=true
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.helloUserNameTest" -DupdateGolden=true
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.prob2Test" -DupdateGolden=true
./gradlew :comp:integrationTest --tests "AlgorithmTest.facTest" -DupdateGolden=true
Implemented CI for GitHub Actions you may see here
Using these templates:
- lint:
- DeteKt all
- KtLint all
- Markdown lint
- build:
- Gradle build
- test:
- run gradlew (commands above)
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % pwd
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % java -jar asm-1.0.jar fac.sasm fac.json
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % touch in.txt
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % touch out.txt
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % touch log.txt
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % ls
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % java -jar comp-1.0.jar -i in.txt -o out.txt -l log.txt -p fac.json
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill csa3-example % cat log.txt
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit - NOW EXECUTING INSTRUCTION PC: 13 --> LIT 11
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 0 -- MPC: 0 / MicroInstruction: LatchAR, ARSelectPC, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 1): [0 | ]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 13 AR: 13 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 1 -- MPC: 1 / MicroInstruction: LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterOpcode
Stack (size = 1): [0 | ]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 13 AR: 13 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 2 -- MPC: 3 / MicroInstruction: DataStackPush, LatchAR, ARSelectPC, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 2): [0 | 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 13 AR: 13 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 3 -- MPC: 4 / MicroInstruction: LatchTOS, TOSSelectMemory, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterZero, LatchPC, PCJumpTypeNext
Stack (size = 2): [11 | 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 14 AR: 13 BR: 0
MEMORY READ VALUE: AR: 13 ---> OperandInstruction(opcode=LIT, operand=11)
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit - NOW EXECUTING INSTRUCTION PC: 17 --> STORE
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 559 -- MPC: 0 / MicroInstruction: LatchAR, ARSelectPC, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 3): [0 | 39916800, 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 17 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 560 -- MPC: 1 / MicroInstruction: LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterOpcode
Stack (size = 3): [0 | 39916800, 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 17 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 561 -- MPC: 7 / MicroInstruction: LatchAR, ARSelectTOS, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 3): [0 | 39916800, 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 0 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.DataPath - MEMORY WRITTEN VALUE: AR: 0 <--- 39916800
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 562 -- MPC: 8 / MicroInstruction: MemoryWrite, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 3): [0 | 39916800, 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 0 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 563 -- MPC: 9 / MicroInstruction: DataStackPop, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 2): [0 | 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 0 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 564 -- MPC: 10 / MicroInstruction: LatchTOS, TOSSelectDS, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 2): [0 | 0]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 17 AR: 0 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 565 -- MPC: 11 / MicroInstruction: DataStackPop, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterZero, LatchPC, PCJumpTypeNext
Stack (size = 1): [0 | ]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 18 AR: 0 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit - NOW EXECUTING INSTRUCTION PC: 18 --> HALT
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit -
TICK 566 -- MPC: 0 / MicroInstruction: LatchAR, ARSelectPC, LatchMPCounter, MicroProgramCounterNext
Stack (size = 1): [0 | ]
Return stack (size = 0): []
PC: 18 AR: 18 BR: 0
[INFO]: io.github.zerumi.csa3.comp.ControlUnit - [HALTED]
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill python % cd python
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill python % pwd
zerumi@MacBook-Air-Kirill python % poetry run pytest . -v
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform darwin -- Python 3.12.3, pytest-8.2.0, pluggy-1.5.0 -- /opt/homebrew/opt/python@3.12/bin/python3.12
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /Users/zerumi/IdeaProjects/csa3-140324-asm-stack/python
configfile: pyproject.toml
plugins: golden-0.2.2
collected 6 items[golden/hello_username.yml] PASSED [ 16%][golden/hello_username_overflow.yml] PASSED [ 33%][golden/fac.yml] PASSED [ 50%][golden/cat.yml] PASSED [ 66%][golden/prob2.yml] PASSED [ 83%][golden/hello.yml] PASSED [100%]
============================== 6 passed in 12.25s ==============================
| Full name | alg | loc | bytes | instr | exec_instr | tick | variant |
| Афанасьев Кирилл Александрович | hello | 47 | - | 23 | 209 | 914 | asm | stack | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | cstr | prob2 | cache |
| Афанасьев Кирилл Александрович | prob2 | 95 | - | 79 | 786 | 3799 | asm | stack | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | cstr | prob2 | cache |
| Афанасьев Кирилл Александрович | fac | 23 | - | 18 | 133 | 566 | asm | stack | neum | mc -> hw | tick -> instr | struct | stream | port | cstr | prob2 | cache |
v.1.0 by Zerumi, 22/04/2024
v.1.1 by Zerumi, 29/04/2024