Previously named rmnd-lca. rmnd-lca was designed to work with the IAM model REMIND only. As it now evolves towards a more IAM-neutral approach, a change of name was considered.
Scientific publication available here: Sacchi et al, 2022.
- Adds .write_db_to_olca(), which produces a slightly modified version of a Simapro CSV database file which can then be imported in OpenLCA. The use of the SimaPro_Import.csv mapping file must be selected.
- Marginal mixes were wrong because the average lifetime of the mix was calculated using the technology-specific lead time values instead of lifetime values.
- Fix issue with CCS implementation in IMAGE scenarios
- Fix several issues with external/custom scenarios linking algorithm.
- Drops DAC efficiency improvement based on cumulated deployment. Uses directly efficiency variables now (if provided).
- Improves documentation for consequential modelling.
- Code-breaking change: update functions are now called like so: .update(xxx). For example, to update the electricity sector: .update(["electricity",]). To update all sectors: .update().
- Changes minimum Python requirement to 3.10
- Added support for brightway 2.5
- Added support for Python 3.11
- Uses bw2io 0.8.10
- Adds electricity storage in electricity markets -- see docs
- Adds scenario explorer dashboard
- Added support for ecoinvent 3.9 and 3.9.1
- Added support for ecoinvent 3.8 and 3.9/3.9.1 consequential -- see docs
- Added REMIND SSP1 and SSP5 scenarios -- see docs
- Updated GAINS emission factors, using GAINS-EU and GAINS-IAM -- see docs
- Added new inventories for DAC and DACCS -- see docs
- Added new inventories for EPR and SMR nuclear reactors -- see EPR inventories and SMR inventories
- Made mapping to new IAM models easier -- see docs
- Better logging of changes made to the ecoinvent database -- see docs
- Added support for user-generated scenarios (see docs and notebook)
- Updated REMIND scenarios to REMIND v.3.0
The objective is to produce life cycle inventories under future energy policies, by modifying the inventory database ecoinvent 3 to reflect projected energy policy trajectories.
- Python 3.10 or 3.11
- License for ecoinvent 3. Please note that the ecoinvent database is not included in this package. Also, read ecoinvent's GDPR & EULA.
- Some IAM output files come with the library and are located by default in the subdirectory "/data/iam_output_files". If you wish to use those files, you need to request (by email) an encryption key from the developers. A file path can be specified to fetch IAM output files elsewhere on your computer.
- brightway2 (optional)
Two options:
A development version with the latest advancements (but with the risks of unseen bugs), is available from Anaconda Cloud:
conda install -c romainsacchi premise
For a more stable and proven version, from Pypi:
pip install premise
will install the package and the required dependencies.
The best way is to follow the examples from the Jupyter Notebook.
Do not hesitate to contact
See contributing.
BSD-3-Clause. Copyright 2020 Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research, Paul Scherrer Institut.