This is the picorv32 RISC-V processor in Verilog wrapped in some very simple memory and peripherals. Enough to get it working on a Terasic DE-0 Nano Cyclone IV FPGA board.
The name comes from the fact that this project grew out of a version of the xoroshiro128+ pseudo random number generator in Verilog.
picorv32 is by Clifford Wolf :
The current firmware is very simple and only prints "Hello World!" repeatedly to the UART at 38400 baud. If you want to tinker with it it can be rebuild with:
$ make firmware/firmware.hex
Just open the project file xoro.qpf in Quartus.
Hit the "Start compilation" button.
When it's done hit the "Programmer" button. Select the xoro.sof file from the out_put files directory and hit start.
To see the UART output I use a Parallax Prop Plug serial to USB adapter.See pin assignments to see where to plug it in to the header.
Build the top level test bench with iverilog:
$ iverilog -o xoro_top_tb.vvp test_bench/xoro_top_tb.v rtl/xoro_top.v rtl/memory.v rtl/gpio.v rtl/prng.v \
rtl/uartTx.v rtl/xoroshiro128plus.v rtl/picorv32.v rtl/address_decoder.v rtl/timer.v
And run under the Icarus simulator:
$ vvp xoro_top_tb.vvp
This produces a ton of output so maybe you want:
$ vvp xoro_top_tb.vvp | less
Or redirect to a file:
$ vvp xoro_top_tb.vvp > test.txt
In order to understand the output you will need to know what firmware it is executing. A disassembled listing can be obtained with objdump:
$ riscv32-unknown-elf-objdump -d firmware/firmware.elf