Welcome to the CIFAR-10 SVM Classifier repository. This project demonstrates the implementation of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model to classify images from the CIFAR-10 dataset. The repository is designed to provide insights into machine learning workflows and best practices, catering to both research and production-ready implementations.
- Introduction
- Key Features
- Technologies Used
- Installation and Setup
- Usage
- Performance Metrics
- Feature Engineering Details
- File Mappings
- Future Enhancements
- Contributing
- License
The CIFAR-10 dataset is a widely recognized benchmark for image classification tasks, containing 60,000 images across 10 distinct classes. This project leverages a Support Vector Machine (SVM) to classify the dataset, focusing on achieving robust performance while maintaining simplicity and interpretability.
- Dataset Preprocessing: Efficient handling of CIFAR-10 data, including normalization and feature extraction.
- HOG + Color Histogram Feature Descriptor: Combines Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and color histograms (implemented from scratch) for feature extraction.
- PCA for Dimensionality Reduction: Uses sklearn's PCA to retain 90% of total variance in the dataset.
- t-SNE Visualization: Includes 2D t-SNE plots for data visualization:
- With PCA features.
- With HOG + Color Histogram features.
- GridSearchCV for SVM Optimization: Utilizes GridSearchCV (cv=5) to find the best parameters (C, kernel, γ for Gaussian kernel):
- For HOG + Color Histogram features.
- For PCA features.
- Support Vector-Based Training: Implements a secondary training set derived from support vectors of the initial SVM, with comparison of accuracies:
- For HOG + Color Histogram features.
- For PCA features.
- Ease of Use: Clear modular code structure for easy customization.
- Programming Language: Python 3.8+
- Machine Learning Libraries: scikit-learn, NumPy, pandas
- Visualization Tools: Matplotlib, seaborn
Ensure you have Python 3.8 or higher installed on your system. Install the required dependencies using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone https://github.com/abhinavsaurabh/Cifar-10-SVM.git
cd Cifar-10-SVM
Run the following command to preprocess the data and train the SVM model:
python train.py
To evaluate the trained model, execute:
python evaluate.py
The repository includes scripts for visualizing data distribution and model performance:
python visualize.py
The model achieves the following performance on the CIFAR-10 dataset:
- Accuracy: XX% (replace with actual value)
- Precision, Recall, F1-Score: Detailed metrics can be found in the evaluation logs.
- Combines HOG and color histograms as a feature descriptor.
- Implemented from scratch for enhanced control and performance.
- Performs Principal Component Analysis using sklearn.
- Retains 90% of the total variance in the dataset.
- PCA t-SNE: Visualizes the 2D t-SNE plot with PCA features.
- HOG + Color Histogram t-SNE: Visualizes the 2D t-SNE plot with combined HOG and color histogram features.
- HOG + Color Histogram: Uses GridSearchCV to optimize SVM hyperparameters (C, kernel, γ).
- PCA: Similar optimization process applied to PCA-reduced features.
- Develops a secondary training set from support vectors obtained in the initial SVM training.
- Compares accuracies between initial and secondary training for both feature types:
- HOG + Color Histogram
To facilitate navigation, the following file mappings correspond to specific features and tasks:
- "1-1 HOG":
- Combine HOG and color histogram (must be implemented from scratch). - "1-1 PCA":
- Perform PCA using sklearn to retain 90% of total variance. - "1-2 PCA TSNE":
- Visualize the 2D t-SNE plot with PCA. - "1-2 TSNE_HOG+Color":
- Visualize the 2D t-SNE plot with HOG and color histogram. - "1-3 HOG_rbr10_GridSearchCV scaled":
- Use GridSearchCV to find the best SVM parameters with HOG and color histogram. - "1-3 PCA rbf c = 10.py":
- Use GridSearchCV to find the best SVM parameters with PCA. - "1-4 HOG":
- Develop a new training set from support vectors (HOG + color histogram). - "1-4 PCA":
- Develop a new training set from support vectors (PCA).
- Further optimization of HOG and color histogram feature extraction.
- Integration with advanced feature extraction techniques (e.g., Deep Learning-based features).
- Deployment-ready Docker image for scalable use cases.
We welcome contributions from the community! Please follow the guidelines below:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a feature branch (
git checkout -b feature-name
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature-name
). - Submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
- The CIFAR-10 dataset, provided by Krizhevsky et al.
- Open-source libraries and the developer community for their contributions.
For further details, feel free to contact Abhinav Saurabh.