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                            FusionInventory Agent
                         Microsoft Windows Installer

  The FusionInventory Agent Microsoft Windows Installer is an open source
project than has as goal to build the installer program of the FusionInventory
Agent and its tasks for Microsoft Windows operative systems. It makes use of
some others open source projects, like the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System
(in forward NSIS), Strawberry Perl, Curl, etcetera, to obtain its objective.

  It is born to cover a basic goal; be able to install new FusionInventory Agent
versions based on the previous configuration in the system, whether it exists.
In summary, it is born to be able to update the existing agent, and not only to
install a new version from scratch.

  It has more purposes, of course. The following are some of them.

   - Installs from scratch or from the current configuration.

   - Uninstalls the previous agent, whether it exists.

   - Prevents multiple installations simultaneously.

   - Supports visual installation in multiple languages.
        (English and Spanish. French in construction.)

   - Builds two different installers for x86 and x64 architectures.
        (Each platform uses its native distribution of Strawberry Perl)

   - Builds installers for stable or development versions.

   - Supports both installation methods; silent or unattended mode and
     graphical or visual mode.

   - Allows to select the agent tasks to install.

   - New visual appearance based on the NSIS Modern UI 2 plugin.

   - Migrates the depreciated options to the new options and removes completely
     the obsolete ones from the Microsoft Windows registry.

   - Now the Microsoft Windows registry used for agent configuration integrates
     all the options supported by the agent, and not only those that them
     values are different to the default.

   - Allows a complete customization of all the options supported for the
     agent, either from the the command line, or from the visual installation.

   - Each generated installer is identified uniquely by a BuildID.
        (Each architecture has its own BuildID sequence)

   - Allows to execute the agent as a Windows Service, to plan its execution
     through a Windows Task or, simply, not to execute the agent.

   - Allows to pull a SSL certificate from a URL at installation time. (ToDo)

What do you need
   This is than you need to build the installer

   - Whether you use Microsoft Windows OS
      * NSIS 2.46

      You can get NSIS 2.46 from

   - Whether you use a Unix OS
      * Curl
      * NSIS 2.46

      Check your distribution for more information about these packages

   - In all of cases
      * An Internet connection

Current state
   Nowadays, the contents of the project is:

      .- FusionInventory Agent v2.3.x
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task Deploy v2.0.4
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task ESX v2.2.1
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task Inventory v1.0
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task NetInventory v2.2.0
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task NetDiscovery v2.2.0
         .- FusionInventory Agent Task WakeOnLan v2.0

            Note than, nowadays, FusionInventory Agent 2.3.x is still in
            development (main branch).

   This is the current directory tree of the project.

|-- NSIS
|   |-- FusionInventory-Agent
|   |   |-- Contrib
|   |   |   |-- Graphics
|   |   |   |   `-- Icons
|   |   |   |-- ModernUI2
|   |   |   |   `-- Pages
|   |   |   |       `-- Templates
|   |   |   `-- Skins
|   |   |       `-- Default
|   |   |-- Include
|   |   `-- INI
|   `-- Plugins
|-- Perl
|   `-- Scripts
`-- Tools
    |-- 7zip
    |   |-- x64
    |   `-- x86
    |-- curl
    |   `-- x86
    |-- dmidecode
    |   `-- x86
    |-- hdparm
    |   `-- x86
    |-- sed
    |   `-- x86
    `-- setacl
        |-- x64
        `-- x86

   Inside of './NSIS/Perl/Scripts' directory there is a set of scripts for
download Strawberry Perl Portable Edition v5.16.3.1 (Mar 2013) for x64 and
x86 architectures, update and install all the Perl modules dependencies for
the previous FusionInventory Agent packages, and download them. Please, read
the file './Perl/Scripts/Readme.txt' for more information about these scripts.

How to generate the installers
   Download fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer from GitHub using this URL

where <object> may be a tag (or release) name, a branch name or a commit name.

   To know the available tags, branches and commits available, please, visit
these URL's in that order.

            Note that, in the last case, you should select after the wished
            branch name, or end up the URL with the name of that branch, like
            this '...-windows-installer/commits/<branch_name>'.

   This is an example using cURL to download the last commit of 'master'

   $ curl --location \
     --output fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer-master.tar.gz \\

            Note than you can put it in a single line.

   Once you have the '*.tar.gz' file, uncompress and unpack it. This is an
example, continuing the previous one, using tar.

   $ mkdir fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer-master
   $ tar -C fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer-master \
     --strip-components 1 \
     -xf fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer-master.tar.gz

            Note than, like above, you can put it in a single line.

   You can also clone the repository whether do you prefer it using Git.

   $ git clone --branch <branch_name> \

            Note that you should change <branch_name> for the name of branch
            you wish download.

            I'm sure you don't need much more explications about Git whether
            you have chosen this last option.

   The following steps depends of your operative system.

   Microsoft Windows
   From your Microsoft Windows command interpreter executes

   > cd fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer
   > cd Perl\Scripts
   > .\install-gnu-utilities-collection.bat
   > .\install-strawberry-perl-package-for-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\install-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\patch-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\update-ids-repositories.bat
   > cd ..\..\NSIS
   > .\FusionInventory-Agent.bat

   You should be able to see the new installers in that directory.

   Unix OS
   $ cd fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer
   $ chmod 0744 NSIS/*.sh Perl/Scripts/*.sh
   $ cd Perl/Scripts
   $ ./
   $ ./
   $ ./
   > ./
   $ cd ../../NSIS
   $ ./

   You should be able to see the new installers in that directory.

How to build the Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package for
FusionInventory Agent
   This task can be done only from Microsoft Windows OS.

   Microsoft Windows
   From your Microsoft Windows command interpreter executes

   > cd fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer
   > cd Perl\Scripts
   > .\install-gnu-utilities-collection.bat
   > .\install-strawberry-perl.bat
   > .\install-perl-modules-and-dependencies.bat
   > .\delete-perl-modules-and-dependencies-temporary-files.bat
   > .\build-strawberry-perl-package-for-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\uninstall-strawberry-perl.bat

   The script 'build-strawberry-perl-package-for-fusioninventory-agent.bat'
will show to you where is the built package.

   Please, read 'How to know whether is needed to build a new Strawberry Perl
Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory Agent' below for more

How to upgrade the Strawberry Perl distribution
   Let's look at an example.

   Suppose has been released the new Strawberry Perl Nov 2012 Portable Edition
( Nowadays (Nov 09, 2012), the installers are run on
Strawberry Perl Aug 2012 Portable Edition ( and you want to
upgrade it. These are the steps you should carry out.

    Update variables 'strawberry_version' and 'strawberry_release' of file
'./Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment' to reflect the new values.

      -declare -r strawberry_version=''
      -declare -r strawberry_release='Aug 2012'
      +declare -r strawberry_version=''
      +declare -r strawberry_release='Nov 2012'

   Update constant 'STRAWBERRY_RELEASE' of file './NSIS/
/FusionInventory.nsi' to adapt it to its new value:

      -!define STRAWBERRY_RELEASE ""
      +!define STRAWBERRY_RELEASE ""

   And finally, rebuild the installers.

      Remember, probably you also will need to build a new Strawberry Perl
      Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory Agent.

How to upgrade the agent
   Let's look at an example.

   Suppose you know there are new stable release for FusionInventory-Agent.
You have the builder ready to build the installers with FusionInventory-Agent
v2.3.0 (it is also an assumption) so you want to change it to get the
installers with the last releases.

   In GitHub you can find all releases of FusionInventory-Agent. In are registered most of the projects of
FusionInventory but here we are only interested in one of them. It is,
with its URL, the following


   You can see the tag (or release) names, the branch names or the commit names
of this project the same way you see them of this one. For more information,
see section 'How to generate the installers' above.

   By taking a look at you
see that new release is v2.3.1 (it is also an assumption). These are the
changes you should to carry out.

   Edit the './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment' file and change the value of
variable 'fusinv_agent_commit' to '2.3.1'. The other variables
(fusinv_agent_mod_name and fusinv_agent_repository) should maintain its values,
unless there are changes in GitHub.

      -declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='2.3.0'
      +declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='2.3.1'

            Note that, in these cases, '2.3.1' is a 'tag' in Git terminology;
            that is, in our case, stable releases. A tag makes reference, in
            last term, to a commit, therefore the name of the variable.

   An important thing to take into account is that, probably, this new release
require new, or simply different, Perl modules. Whether it is so, you should
build a new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory Agent.
But before to do that, you should carry out two actions; a) to increase the
package build identifier and b) to update the list of required and recommended
Perl modules.

   To do the first one is easy, you only need to edit the '.\Perl\Script\load-
-perl-environment' and to increment it in a unit.

      -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='1'
      +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='2'

            Note that the variable 'strawberry_pepfia_branch' is not necessary
            to change it in this case since the branch 2.3.x match with the
            branch of FusionInventory-Agent release 2.3.1.

            Remember that you should reset 'strawberry_pepfia_build_id' to '1'
            whether you upgrade the Strawberry Perl distribution.

   The second one is, most of the times, more tedious. You should check whether
there is new requirements or recommendations comparing the file 'Makefile.PL'
of the FusionInventory-Agent package you want to update. Then, whether there
are changes, you must update the respective variable 'fusinv_agent_mod_depen-
dences' of './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment' file to reflect these changes.

      Remember that, probably, you also need to update these variables whether
      you have upgraded the Strawberry Perl distribution.

   Let's look at an example for FusionInventory-Agent.

   In you can see all
stable releases of FusionInventory-Agent. In that, below ' - 2.3.1 re-
lease' appears the sequence '6f67b7d6f6' (it is an assumption); the short form
for its SHA1 commit.  Do click on it, and after, do click on 'Browse code'
(up and right). In the list of files that appears, do click on file
'Makefile.PL' and write down the list of required and recommended Perl modules
(those lines started by 'requires ...' and 'recommends ...', but not those
lines started by 'text_requires ...') commons to all operative systems and
those specific for Microsoft Windows (those lines under the condition
'($OSNAME eq 'MSWin32')'). This list of Perl modules should be the new value
of the variable 'fusinv_agent_mod_dependences'. Like this list is different of
that for 2.3.0 release (repeat the previous process for ' - 2.3.0
release') you need change the value of the variable

      -declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Parse::EDID POE::Component::Client::Ping
       Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape
       Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'
      +declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Net::Write::Layer2 Parse::EDID
       POE::Component::Client::Ping Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template
       UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE
       Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'

            Note that they are only two lines.

   As the list of modules for FusionInventory-Agent has changed, it is necessary
to generate a new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package.

   You should start with a clean Strawberry Perl distribution too, so the
recommended steps are:

            Remember, this task can be done only from Microsoft Windows OS.

   > cd fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer
   > cd Perl\Scripts
   > .\install-gnu-utilities-collection.bat
   > .\uninstall-strawberry-perl.bat
   > .\install-strawberry-perl.bat
   > .\install-perl-modules-and-dependencies.bat
   > .\delete-perl-modules-and-dependencies-temporary-files.bat
   > .\build-strawberry-perl-package-for-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\uninstall-strawberry-perl.bat

   Now you can load the new package and its associated files into your public
repository of Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Packages for FusionInventory
Agent. This can be a local repository; you only have to change the
'strawberry_pepfia_url' variable of the file './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment'.
For example, to leave the default directory as the default repository, you only
have to do the following:

   -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_url='
   +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_url='file://c/.../fusioninventory-agent-windows

            Note that they are only two lines.

            Remember, 'file://' is dependent of the OS and must be written as
            a absolute path. Make sure, in any case, that the value of the
            'strawberry_pepfia_url' variable is correct.

   Finally, you should change the following constants of the file './NSIS/
/FusionInventory.nsi' to adapt them to their new values:



   They are at the beginning of the file. Following the example,

   -!define FIA_RELEASE "2.3.0"
   +!define FIA_RELEASE "2.3.1"


            Note that you can find out these release numbers searching the
            'VERSION' variable inside './Perl/Strawerry/<arch>/cpan/sources/
            /Agent/Task/*.pm' files.

   With the new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory
Agent ready, and these last changes, you can continue as it were a normal
build process. See 'How to generate the installers' above.

How to know whether is needed to build a new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition
Package for FusionInventory Agent
   Basically you should check whether there is new requirements or recommen-
dations comparing the file 'Makefile.PL' of the FusionInventory-Agent package
you want to update. Then, whether there are changes, you must update the
variable 'fusinv_agent_mod_dependences' of './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment'
file to reflect these changes.

   Probably you also will need to build a new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition
Package for FusionInventory Agent whether you have upgraded the Strawberry
Perl distribution.

   See 'How to upgrade the agent and its tasks' above for more information.

How to build the installers for a development version of FusionInventory-Agent
   The process is very similar to that described in 'How to upgrade the agent
and its tasks'. Then you chose a new stable release and, in this case, you
choose a branch name or a commit name.

   Let's look at an example about how to build the installers for the
development branch 'master' related with the 2.4.x series (it is an assumption)
supposing you have the builder ready to build the installer for
FusionInventory-Agent v2.3.1.

   Edit the './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment' file and carry out these

      -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_branch='2.3.x'
      +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_branch='2.4.x'
      -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='2'
      +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='1'
      -declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='2.3.1'
      +declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='master'

      -declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Net::Write::Layer2 Parse::EDID
       POE::Component::Client::Ping Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template
       UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE
       Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'
      +declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Net::Write::Layer2 PAR::Parcker Parse::EDID
       POE::Component::Client::Ping Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template
       UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE
       Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'

   As the list of modules for FusionInventory-Agent has changed, it is necessary
to generate a new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package.

   You should start with a clean Strawberry Perl distribution too, so the
recommended steps are:

            Remember, this task can be done only from Microsoft Windows OS.

   > cd fusioninventory-agent-windows-installer
   > cd Perl\Scripts
   > .\install-gnu-utilities-collection.bat
   > .\uninstall-strawberry-perl.bat
   > .\install-strawberry-perl.bat
   > .\install-perl-modules-and-dependencies.bat
   > .\delete-perl-modules-and-dependencies-temporary-files.bat
   > .\build-strawberry-perl-package-for-fusioninventory-agent.bat
   > .\uninstall-strawberry-perl.bat

   Now you can load the new package and its associated files into your public
repository of Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Packages for FusionInventory
Agent. This can be a local repository; you only have to change the
'strawberry_pepfia_url' variable of the file './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment'.

   Finally, you should change the following constants of the file './NSIS/
/FusionInventory.nsi' to adapt them to their new values:



   They are at the beginning of the file. Following the example,

   -!define FIA_RELEASE "2.3.1"
   +!define FIA_RELEASE "master"

   +!define PRODUCT_VERSION_RELEASE "2013030702"

            Note that all PRODUCT_VERSION_* constants must have a numeric
            value. Here I have followed the pattern 'YYYYMMDD##', where
            'YYYYMMDD' is the date of creation of the installer and '##'
            is the sequence number of the Installer generated on that date
            (this value can take the values [01-99]). You can choose any
            other number or pattern you like.

   With the new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory
Agent ready, and these last changes, you can continue as it were a normal
build process. See 'How to generate the installers' above.

   The branch 'master' and commit 'f3f9382a18659d1fff602ae04e816a1a4221c369'
(it is also an assumption) reflect the same state. The following example build
the same installer but choosing the commit 'f3f9382a18659d1fff602ae04e816a1-
a4221c369' instead of branch 'master'.

   Edit the './Perl/Scripts/load-perl-environment' file and carry out these

      -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_branch='2.3.x'
      +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_branch='2.4.x'
      -declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='2'
      +declare -r strawberry_pepfia_build_id='1'
      -declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='2.3.1'
      +declare +r fusinv_agent_commit='f3f9382a18659d1fff602ae04e816a1a4221c369'

      -declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Net::Write::Layer2 Parse::EDID
       POE::Component::Client::Ping Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template
       UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE
       Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'
      +declare -r fusion_agent_mod_dependences='Archive::Extract Crypt::DES
       Compress::Zlib Digest::MD5 Digest::SHA File::Copy::Recursive
       File::Which HTTP::Daemon IO::Socket::SSL JSON LWP LWP::Protocol::https
       Net::IP Net::NBName Net::SNMP Net::Write::Layer2 PAR::Parcker Parse::EDID
       POE::Component::Client::Ping Socket::GetAddrInfo Text::Template
       UNIVERSAL::require URI::Escape Win32::Daemon Win32::Job Win32::OLE
       Win32::TieRegistry XML::TreePP'

            Note that the installer always works with short commit names. See
            variable 'maximum_commit_length' to know what this length is (by
            default it is 10). All commit names will be truncated to this

   Like before, it is necessary to generate a new Strawberry Perl Portable
Edition Package. And like before, you should change the following constants
of the file './NSIS/FusionInventory.nsi' to adapt them to their new values:

   -!define FIA_RELEASE "2.3.1"
   +!define FIA_RELEASE "f3f9382a18"

   +!define PRODUCT_VERSION_RELEASE "2013030702"

   With the new Strawberry Perl Portable Edition Package for FusionInventory
Agent ready, and these last changes, you can continue as it were a normal
build process. See 'How to generate the installers' above.

Project websites:
* main site:
* forge:

Project mailing lists:

Project IRC channel:
* #FusionInventory on FreeNode IRC Network

Please report any issues on project forge bugtracker (see forge URL above).

Public Git repositories:

Public Strawberry Perl Portable Package repositories:

Public experimental intallers repositories:

* Tomás Abad <>

Copyright 2012 FusionInventory Team

This software is licensed under the terms of GPLv2+, see License.txt file for

Other sources of this document


The New Windows Installer for FusionInventory Agent







No packages published


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