liri-node-app -
App leads you to movies, concerts, and songs
Welcome to LIRI BOT LIRI is Node.js Language_ Interpretation and Recognition Interface bot.
The following are Liri-BOT commands -
1 - concert-this
Enter in the Terminal/bash command -- node liri.js concert-this ‘<artist/band Name here>’
Search the Bands in Town Artist Events API for artist(s) and render concert information to the terminal/bash window
2 - spotify-this-song
Enter in the Terminal/bash command -- node liri.js spotify-this-song ''
Search Spotify about the song you enter the terminal/bash window
If the user doesn't type a song in, then it will default to "The Sign" by Ace of Base.
3 - movie-this
Enter in the Terminal/bash command -- node liri.js movie-this ''
Search OMDB about the movie you enter the terminal/bash window
If the user doesn't type a movie in, then it will default to the movie 'Mr. Nobody.'
4 - `do-what-it-says Enter in the Terminal/bash command -- node liri.js do-what-it-says
See slideShow\LiriBot_Large.mp4 See LiriBot_Picture - LiriBot_Pictures