This project repository is generally added to other project repositories as a submodule. It contains the set of functions that used in common by most of the development bash shell scripts found in adebayo10k repositories.
- - contains commonly used functions.
- - contains collected literals like regular expressions.
- - creates symbolic links back to the above two files in their local git repo locations.
The library files and are included (sourced) by many main bash shell utility/application programs. They must first be "installed", meaning symlinks must be created on the system (in readable locations like /usr/local/lib), where those main bash programs can expect to find them.
git clone
Running the script simply results in symbolic links in handy locations that reference back to these files (presumably still in their local git project locations).
Just cd
to wherever these files are, and execute them directly in their directory, something like:
cd path/to/shared-functions-library/ && ./ && ./
The previous command only needs to be executed once, although it is idempotent in any case.
Something like...
Creating symbolic link:
TARGET : /home/user/bin/utils/shared-functions-library/
LINK : /usr/local/lib/lib10k/
Creating symbolic link:
TARGET : /home/user/bin/utils/shared-functions-library/
LINK : /usr/local/lib/lib10k/
...Or if the scripts have been run previously, something like...
The symbolic link [/home/user/.local/share/lib10k/] already exists OK
The symbolic link [/home/user/.local/share/lib10k/] already exists OK
The directory locations of these commonly shared library files (or at least the symbolic links to them) are ideal variables to be exported to the environment every time a user logs in. So for example, assuming the location /usr/local/lib/lib10k/ was accessibe and writable, you could optionally update your ~/.bashrc file with:
export SHARED_LIBRARIES_DIR='usr/local/lib/lib10k/'