Step by step process
imresize first
[row, col] = size(image1(:,:,1)); image2=imresize(image2,[row, col],'lanczos3');
Image filtering imgaussfilt(image1,5)
Hybrid image
hybrid_image = low_frequencies + high_frequencies;
- Image filtering
%%imgaussfilt(A,sigma) filters image A with a 2-D Gaussian smoothing kernel with standard deviation specified by sigma imgaussfilt(image1,5)
low_frequencies = imgaussfilt(image1,5); high_frequencies = image2 - imgaussfilt(image2,5);
Open matlab first go to folder and type filename in matlab
A1 ## Enter
Following pairs of people ( young and old lady)
Scaledown is used for far view scale_factor = 0.6;
finally save output figures