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This repo contains my personal configurations for various productive tools. Managed with Stow.

One-Line Setup


Before running the command, inspect the code to ensure it fits your setup. Do not run blindly!

git clone ~/dotfiles && cd ~/dotfiles && stow -v nvim zsh i3

# This command sets up only nvim,i3 and zsh.
# You can add more tools tmux, code by including their names in the `stow` command.

🔍 Post-Setup (Only for Scripts)

If you also set up scripts (in ~/.local/bin), ensure ~/.local/bin is added to your PATH:

echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc  # or ~/.zshrc


Backup existing configs first! (e.g., mv ~/.config/nvim ~/.config/nvim.bak)

Use stow -D <tool> to unlink configs cleanly.