Maida Software Service HTML Bootstrap
Maida - Software Services HTML Template Contact Me
created: 12/15/2019
latest update: 12/15/2019
by: Maida Themes
Maida Themes Where comes quality demo Link here #Installing Template
After unzip the download pack, you'll found a Template Folder with all the files.
You can view this Template in any browser, you can display or edit the Template without an internet connection.(May not wotrk fonts).
The only section that will not work is the Contact Section which is not dynamic
Now go to your cpanel or open your FTP Client (like Filezilla) and upload the content of the Template on your server's root directory.
Once the files are done uploading go to
Template Structure
All information within the main content area is nested within a body tag. The general template structure is pretty the same throughout the template. Here is the general structure of main page (index.html).
CSS files These are the css files that are loaded into templates in Head Section.
Google Web Fonts
By default, the template loads this font from Google Web Font Services, you can change the font with the one that suits you best.
Remember to change the font into main.css Javascript Files and Structure These are the list of Javascript files that are loaded into templates in end of the Body Section.
<!--scripts including start-->
<!-- jquery include -->
<script src="assets/js/vendor/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>
<!-- Owl Carousal include -->
<script src="assets/js/vendor/owl.js"></script>
<!-- Bootstrap include -->
<script src="assets/js/vendor/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<!-- Custom Js include -->
<script src="assets/js/main.js"></script>
<!--scripts including end-->
Main.js File Structure
This is a js file to activate different animations and functionality of this template
/setting consoles clearing start/ /* end setting consoles clearing*/
/preloader start/ /preloader end/
/menu start/ /end menu/
/*slider start */ /main slider end/
/feature slider Start/ /feature slider end/
/feature slider about page Start/ /feature slider about page end/
/counter slider start/ /counter slider end/
/start client logos/ /end client logos/
/fancy box/ /end fancy box/
/*start scroll to top */ /*end scroll to top */
Template Customization
You can customize this template with your own content. Here are some basic changes you need. Logo Change
Just replace the image with your own image and replace the file name in the code
Menu Items Customize
You need to change the menu items text in the code to change the menu. Change the text home, about, work, expertise, blog, contact (if you want)
Footer Copyright Change
Just change the copyright text in the code
Copyright 2019 Maida. All Rights Reserved. Made with Maida
Source & Credits Source and Credit
Bootstrap Framework
Owl Carousel
Google fonts
While images and illustration are only for demo purpose– but if you need the any help please feel free to contact with us.
This Template is not WordPress Theme, and can’t be installed in WordPress.
if you find some issue please report contact us Here