- First Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/adnanrahin/Spark-Flights-Data-Analysis.git
- Download the Data set from Kaggle: Data Source
- After Downloading the dataset go to root of this repository
- Do
mvn clean install
. - If you are using Intellij or Eclipse pass an arguments variable where downloaded datasets are.
- If you are not running spark standalone cluster simply Compile and Run Should Spin up the program.
./bin/spark-submit \
--class <main-class> \
--master <master-url> \
--deploy-mode <deploy-mode> \
--conf <key>=<value> \
... # other options
<application-jar> \
spark-submit \
--class org.flight.analysis.FlightDelaysAndCancellations \
--master spark://ip_address(master):7077 \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--executor-memory 32G \
--total-executor-cores 24 \
--driver-memory 32G \
--driver-cores 24 \
- First Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/adnanrahin/Spark-Flights-Data-Analysis.git
- Download the Data set from Kaggle: Data Source
- Do
mvn clean install
. - Put data-set to the directory name
- Build the Docker image:
docker build -t cluster-apache-spark:3.0.2 .
- Run
docker-compose up -d
to start the docker container. - Once docker-compose is up and running, it will spin up the one master node and two worker node with bellow name
** Master: spark-flights-data-analysis_spark-master_1
** Worker: spark-flights-data-analysis_spark-worker-a_1
** Worker: spark-flights-data-analysis_spark-worker-b_1
- Run this command to start interactive docker container mode:
docker exec -it spark-flights-data-analysis_spark-master_1 /bin/bash
- Run the program in the interactive shell:
./opt/spark/bin/spark-submit \
--class org.flight.analysis.FlightDelaysAndCancellations \
--master spark://spark-master:7077 \
--deploy-mode cluster \
--executor-memory 32G \
--total-executor-cores 24 \
--driver-memory 32G \
--driver-cores 24 \
| AS| N431AS| ANC| SEA| A|
| OO| N746SK| MAF| IAH| B|
| MQ| N660MQ| SGF| DFW| B|
| OO| N583SW| RDD| SFO| A|
only showing top 5 rows
|Airline Names |Total Number Of Flight's Cancelled|
|United Air Lines Inc. |6573 |
|Virgin America |534 |
|US Airways Inc. |4067 |
|American Eagle Airlines Inc.|15025 |
|Southwest Airlines Co. |16043 |
|Delta Air Lines Inc. |3824 |
|Skywest Airlines Inc. |9960 |
|Spirit Air Lines |2004 |
|Alaska Airlines Inc. |669 |
|American Airlines Inc. |10919 |
|Hawaiian Airlines Inc. |171 |
|Atlantic Southeast Airlines |15231 |
|JetBlue Airways |4276 |
|Frontier Airlines Inc. |588 |
|Airport Name |Total Number of Flight's|
|LaGuardia Airport (Marine Air Terminal)|95074 |
|Airline Name |Total Number of Flight's|
|Southwest Airlines Co.|16043 |
|Airline Name |Average Delay |
|US Airways Inc. |3.553065019933418 |
|American Eagle Airlines Inc.|6.197287621554539 |
|Atlantic Southeast Airlines |6.3779928369489856|
|Hawaiian Airlines Inc. |6.511530728899752 |
|Skywest Airlines Inc. |6.522445811066178 |
|Southwest Airlines Co. |6.575752200171454 |
|JetBlue Airways |6.608200264868403 |
|Alaska Airlines Inc. |6.608791285524754 |
|Delta Air Lines Inc. |6.629987489349894 |
|United Air Lines Inc. |6.6460316213296675|
|Spirit Air Lines |6.72094474539545 |
|Virgin America |6.727663804200818 |
|Frontier Airlines Inc. |6.748626008332595 |
|American Airlines Inc. |7.330276268590967 |
|Airline Names |Total Distance|
|Southwest Airlines Co. |924523336 |
|American Airlines Inc. |745699296 |
|Delta Air Lines Inc. |744626128 |
|United Air Lines Inc. |647702424 |
|Skywest Airlines Inc. |288044533 |
|JetBlue Airways |279708698 |
|Atlantic Southeast Airlines |257284318 |
|Alaska Airlines Inc. |206001530 |
|US Airways Inc. |178393656 |
|American Eagle Airlines Inc.|118297439 |
|Spirit Air Lines |113749628 |
|Frontier Airlines Inc. |87302103 |
|Virgin America |86275456 |
|Hawaiian Airlines Inc. |48160938 |
|Source Airport |Destination Airport |Total Distance|
|John F. Kennedy International Airport (New York International Airport)|Honolulu International Airport|4983 |