In 2017, I posted a youtube video of a cubic bézier curve in Unity.
Today, I still get the occasional message asking for the source code...
So here's a new free cubic bézier curve demo I made in Unity. 😃
Feel free to download this and use it for your own projects!
🏷 Showcase / Features:
✔️ Cubic bézier curve recreated in Unity using line renderers
✔️ Dynamically define your line segment resolution (The number of segments you want)
✔️ Simple orbit camera script included! (w/ sensitivity & zoom support)
✔️ Free to use!
❌ Makes you a cup of coffee
⚠️ Prerequisites:
Unity 2018.4 LTS (2018.4.16f1)*
Text Mesh Pro 1.4.1*
* other versions might work.
🛠 Specifications:
Project Size: ~24 MB
Contributor(s): Adrian Miasik