This is package provides:
- static high-fidelity mockup design workspace
- installable Plone theme
Requirements are documented in Google Drive (outside this repo) but will be ticketized into issues once they're actionable.
- ./prototype/
- static high-fidelity mockup design workspace Contains _site/ with the compiled prototype Contains the jekyll templates, style files, media files et al. This is the main working place for designers
- ./src/
- Custom javascript code (patterns) Also stores the files downloaded by bower in bower_components/ Contains the patterns.js which controls the bundling structure Can also contain all local or legacy js code that is specific to this project
The docker-based installation manages all dependencies for you.
Prerequisites: docker
For example on Ubuntu, install docker:
sudo apt-get install -y adduser myuserid docker
You need to prepare the container once:
make docker-build
Enter the virtual:
make docker-run
Compile the prototype:
make all
Run the standalone prototype:
make demo-run
You can now access the clickable prototype on localhost:4000.
To re-access an already compiled prototype you only need to start docker and run the demo server:
make docker-run make demo-run
See below under 'Installation into Plone' for integration of the theme resource bundles into a Plone installation.
- node.js >0.10 install from
You can check node is present via:
node -v
If any node.js related problems are encountered during the standalone installation, it is recommended to install nodeenv. Nodeenv is a isolated environment to install node.js packages, nodeenv uses virtualenv:
# in your virtualenv pip install nodeenv nodeenv -p --node=0.10.33 --prebuilt env-0.10.33-prebuilt deactivate . bin/activate
- jekyll > 1.5 install following the instructions on (skip the Gemfile part, it is already provided and covered some steps later)
On ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev sudo gem install bundler
Make sure ruby>=1.9.3 (on precise: apt-get install ruby1.9.3).
Now install jekyll itself. The Gemfile is in ploneintranet.theme/prototype and is already up to date:
git clone cd ploneintranet.theme/prototype sudo bundle install
Bourbon will be installed as part of bundle install .
We use node, npm and bower to manage the Javascript dependencies of Webwork and build the bundles. You have the option to handle this manually or let the all-round-carefree make handle things for you:
cd .. # toplevel ploneintranet.theme make
The bundles (minified and non-minified) are in prototype/bundles .
ploneintranet.theme comes pre-bundled if you use the ploneintranet.suite buildout, but you still have to run the initialization code:
cd src/ploneintranet.theme # toplevel ploneintranet.theme make release
- Checkout the egg into your Plone installation (with Diazo support).
- Include ploneintranet.theme in your eggs section and run buildout
- Now initialise the theme by building all javascript dependencies and creating the initial diazo theme structure (see code above)
- (Re)Start Plone
- Install the ploneintranet.theme Add On
The theme should now be activated. Be careful, this is currently heavy work in progress.
Start the jekyll server:
make demo
You can now see the current prototype (on localhost:4000) and edit.
Typical development workflow:
Wireframe the interactions you want to realize
Plan a new component as a pseudocode dom tree using pattern classes, e.g.:
form.update-social.pat-inject textarea.pat-comment-box a.icon-attachment.iconified div.button-bar a.icon-add-user.iconified.pat-tooltip sup.counter a.icon-hashtag.iconified a.icon-users.iconified button[type="submit"]
Create a new include file eg _inludes/update-social.html
Create a new standalone html eg in demo/update-social.html that includes that include. This page should show up in the "Prototype map" on the prototype homepage
In the include file, expand the pseudocode dom into actual html markup.
Load the standalone demo via the Jekyll server, edit, reload, rinse, repeat.
Finally, include the new component in more complex pages like e.g. prototype/workspace_landing.html
Jekyll requires a front-matter in the top of standalone html files, minimally:
--- ---
Patternslib home:
To develop a new pattern, see the documentation at:
Example of a standalone pattern:
More complex pattern initialization: specifically the parser.add_argument(...) calls that define pattern options.
You would e.g. add browserviews for the imageupload and imagegetjson calls:
<textarea class="pat-redactor" id="rich-document-edit-text" name="text" data-allow="p-ul-ol-h1-h2-h3" data-pat-redactor="toolbar-external: #editor-toolbar; imageupload:; imagegetjson:" dir="ltr" style="display:none">...</textarea>
To integrate a new pattern into the prototype:
- Add the package into bower.json - this will enable the source download.
- Add the download location to build.js e.g. under 'Pat Packery'. The download location is specified in .bowerrc.
- Add all pattern dependencies into build.js as well. The dependencies are already specified
in the pattern itself, e.g. see . * Add the pattern name to patterns.js to satisfy requirejs. * Running: make clean all will run the download and compile the pattern into the bundle.
You can check the pattern is now added to the bundle: grep polyfill-data prototype/bundles/*
Please make sure your pattern has test coverage, see:
In order to make a release tarball, use:
make release
The tarball will be found in release/.
The make process will attempt the following steps:
- Download backend js libs using npm install for running this
- Download frontend js libs for later bundling using bower
- Clone or update the Patternslib master to link it into the custom bundle
- Apply Prefixfree and uglify the css
- Create a js bundle of all referenced js patterns and used libs
- Run jekyll to apply templates and create the prototype directory
Q: There is some obscure error in some js dependency downloaded by bower. What should I do?
A: There is a fair chance that there was a download error due to timeout or delay in The quick shot is to run again. Do make clean to be sure that all local caches are also emptied and run make again.
Q: What are the stamp* files for?
A: Downloading all dependencies takes quite some time. We use these as flags to indicate to make that these steps don't have to run again. That also means if you explicitly want to re-run the bower or npm step, you can just remove Theme stamp-bower or stamp-npm file and run make again.
Q: On Ubuntu, I get weird "sh: 1: node: not found" errors.
A: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node
Q: I get Errors in the log of type IOError: Error reading file '/++theme++ploneintranet.theme/prototype/home.html': failed to load external entity "/++theme++ploneintranet.theme/prototype/home.html". What's wrong?
A: Did you run 'make release' in the theme checkout as descibed above?
This package is Copyright (c) Plone Foundation.
Any contribution to this package implies consent and intent to irrevocably transfer all copyrights on the code you contribute, to the Plone Foundation, under the condition that the code remains under a OSI-approved license.
To contribute, you need to have signed a Plone Foundation contributor agreement. If you're listed on Github as a member of the Plone organization, you already signed.