we're back
- Python
- mingw
- lld: error: unable to find library -lvcruntime140, find out how to fix this...
python scripts\run_gui.py
python scripts\run_tests.py
This project is a hobby C++ engine written by OhMesch and I. It functions as a fast library exposing useful chess functions such as generate_legal_moves
. A python module engine_communicator
is also avaliable. There is a serviceable python gui to see the engine in action at driver/show_board.py
This project has no AI to make intelligent chess moves. There is another repo written by OhMesch and I that consumes this library to write both a Minimax based AI and a Montecarlo AI based on Deepmind's AlphaZero:
- i disabled enpassant and castling temporarily until zobrist hashing works
- zobrist hashing not implemented for enpassant RIGHTS (it works for capture) or castling. it might not be set correctly for turn stuff either.
- I think that the pawn masks for check when the king is on the left and right columns is busted (you can move into check)
This project uses CMAKE for C++ parts of the engine. It also exposes a python module written in C++ that can access the board state, and simple engine commands for the purposes of a GUI.
- use the files in the
folder - Run before compilation to compile with clang
export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
export CC=/usr/bin/clang
- note only works if you have callgrind / perf installed
python scripts/callgrind_minimax.py
python scripts/perf_minimax.py
- if you are facing "unresolved imports" on vscode in the
python file, you can create the file.env
and add as the contents **PYTHONPATH=driver
- perf (by function)
- perf record -o ./bin/perf.data -g ./bin/run_minimax_depth $1
- perf report -g -i ./bin/perf.data
- valgrind (line by line hopefully)
- valgrind --tool=callgrind ./bin/run_minimax_depth 5
- kcachegrind callgrind.out.pid
- gprof (line by line)
- add
to complilation, and -l gprof -l ./my_program > analysis.txt
- add
example websocket requests
SEND (periodically, looks like every 9s): {
GET (x2): {
GET: {
"status": "games",
"data": {
"games": [
"fen": "7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1",
"turn": "b",
"times": [180000, 180000],
"increments": [0, 0],
"lastMoveTime": null,
"name": [null, "idk"],
"allFens": { "7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7": 1 },
"id": "Y6FiSixi56az-oi57EZGH"
"nConnections": 4
GET: {
"status": "joined",
"data": {
"fen": "7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1",
"key": "C28LgQd9apnQ0sP7JGToP",
"id": "Y6FiSixi56az-oi57EZGH",
"names": ["lmfao", "idk"],
"times": [180000, 180000],
"index": 0,
"color": "w"
GET: {
"messageType":"move","data":{"key":"C28LgQd9apnQ0sP7JGToP","id":"Y6FiSixi56az-oi57EZGH","name":"lmfao","fen":"7q/4pnk1/4prn1/3P2p1/1P2p3/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1","move":["c4","d5"]}
GET: {
GET: {
SEND: {"messageType":"create","data":{"fen":"7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1","turn":"b","times":[180000,180000],"increments":[0,0],"color":"b","name":"lmfao"}}
GET: {"status":"created","data":{"key":"8p2Lt1nEgcwclSeWQ2XQQ","id":"j2CENKH6XNcmUDtu72VTS"}}
GET: {"status":"games","data":{"games":[{"fen":"7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1","turn":"b","times":[180000,180000],"increments":[0,0],"lastMoveTime":null,"name":[null,"lmfao"],"allFens":{"7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7":1},"id":"j2CENKH6XNcmUDtu72VTS"}],"nConnections":3}}
someone joins
GET: {"status":"joined","data":{"fen":"7q/4pnk1/4prn1/5pp1/1PP5/1NRP4/1KNP4/Q7 b - - 0 1","key":"8p2Lt1nEgcwclSeWQ2XQQ","id":"j2CENKH6XNcmUDtu72VTS","names":["idk","lmfao"],"times":[180000,180000],"index":1,"color":"b"}}
GET: {"status":"games","data":{"games":[],"nConnections":3}}