A bypass was found for wildcard or absolute URLs trustedOrigins configurations and opens the victims website to a Open Redirect vulnerability, where it can be used to steal the reset password token of a victims account by changing the "callbackURL" parameter value to a website owned by the attacker.
Absolute URLs
The issue here appears in the middleware, specifically. This protection is not sufficiente and it allows attackers to exploit a open redirect vulnerability, by using the payload /\/
. We can check this is a valid URL ( or it will be a valid URL because the URL parser fix it for us ), by checking the image bellow:

// trustedOrigins = [ "" ]
validateURL("", "callbackURL") // ❌ APIError, No Redirect
validateURL("/\/", "callbackURL") // ✅ Redirect to
The issue here is because the regex is not strong enough [^/\\]*?\.example\.com[/\\]*?
( this is the regex it will be created if we have a wildcard as the trustedOrigins config ), but we can bypass by using a payload like:
// trustedOrigins = [ "*" ]
┌──────────────────┐ ┌────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐
│ None of [ "/\" ] │ ────▶ │ "" │ ────▶ │ One of [ "/\" ] │
└──────────────────┘ └────────────────┘ └─────────────────┘
demo / ✅ Redirect to
demo / ❌ APIError, no redirect / ✅ Redirect to
This works because : and ? are special chars in a URL, so when the URL parser sees, http: it will fix our happily fix our URL to and make
as parameter, thus, bypassing this check.
We can PoC the open redirect by using the
If we access the URL bellow, we are redirected to
Every single website using the better-auth library, is vulnerable to un-auth open redirect and more importantilly, vulnerable to potential one click account take over vulnerability, as the attacker can send the victim a email to reset their account while changing the "redirectTo" parameter here, and when the victim clicks on the link, the reset token is sent to the attackers website, which then a attacker could use that token to reset the password of the victims account.
A bypass was found for wildcard or absolute URLs trustedOrigins configurations and opens the victims website to a Open Redirect vulnerability, where it can be used to steal the reset password token of a victims account by changing the "callbackURL" parameter value to a website owned by the attacker.
Absolute URLs
The issue here appears in the middleware, specifically. This protection is not sufficiente and it allows attackers to exploit a open redirect vulnerability, by using the payload
. We can check this is a valid URL ( or it will be a valid URL because the URL parser fix it for us ), by checking the image bellow:Regex
The issue here is because the regex is not strong enough
( this is the regex it will be created if we have a wildcard as the trustedOrigins config ), but we can bypass by using a payload like:This works because : and ? are special chars in a URL, so when the URL parser sees, http: it will fix our happily fix our URL to and make
as parameter, thus, bypassing this check.PoC
We can PoC the open redirect by using the
.If we access the URL bellow, we are redirected to
Every single website using the better-auth library, is vulnerable to un-auth open redirect and more importantilly, vulnerable to potential one click account take over vulnerability, as the attacker can send the victim a email to reset their account while changing the "redirectTo" parameter here, and when the victim clicks on the link, the reset token is sent to the attackers website, which then a attacker could use that token to reset the password of the victims account.