Pimcore Admin Classic Bundle allows attackers to enumerate valid accounts because the Forgot password functionality uses different messages when the account is valid vs not.
-> error message discloses existing accounts and leads to user enumeration on the target via "Forgot password" function. since no generic error message is being implemented.
Enter first a valid account email address and click on submit
A green message validating the account exists is shown and a login link is sent to the email
now go back and use a random email from temp-mail to test with a non existant account
click on submit and get an error in red that a problem occured
user enumeration is a confidentiality threat , that could potentially lead to an attacker to enumerate valid accounts and maybe taking over accounts in case combined with credential stuffing on an organisation .
A remedition would be to change the error message in both cases ( valid and invalid emails ) to what we call a "synchronised error " it would be for example : " if the given email address is linked to an account , then a login link would be sent to that email " or something along those lines
Pimcore Admin Classic Bundle allows attackers to enumerate valid accounts because the Forgot password functionality uses different messages when the account is valid vs not.
-> error message discloses existing accounts and leads to user enumeration on the target via "Forgot password" function. since no generic error message is being implemented.
Enter first a valid account email address and click on submit
A green message validating the account exists is shown and a login link is sent to the email
now go back and use a random email from temp-mail to test with a non existant account
click on submit and get an error in red that a problem occured
user enumeration is a confidentiality threat , that could potentially lead to an attacker to enumerate valid accounts and maybe taking over accounts in case combined with credential stuffing on an organisation .
A remedition would be to change the error message in both cases ( valid and invalid emails ) to what we call a "synchronised error " it would be for example : " if the given email address is linked to an account , then a login link would be sent to that email " or something along those lines