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TUTORIAL: How to build a To-do list Æpp - Part 2

Tutorial Overview

This tutorial will teach you how to develop the communication process between the client side and the ToDoManager smart contract. We will setup the basic infrastructure in order to interact with the smart contract from the frontend.


  • Before we go any further, please make sure you have followed the first part of How to build a To-do list Æpp.


I have published the simple frontend project in Github. We will start with cloning the github repository and I will explain the most important segments of the To-do list Æpp.

To-do list Æpp content

The tutorial is created to showcase the aeternity SDK implementation for simple To-do list Æpp "depending" on an Identity Aepp. The To-do list Æpp consists of two parts:

  • Identity Aepp;
  • To-do list Æpp;

Getting started

Clone the Github repository and open your IDE at the directory:

git clone

Identity App

Install the required dependencies on the identity aepp with the following sequence of commands:

cd ./identity
npm install

The Identity Aepp is started via:

npm run serve

The Identity Aepp runs at http://localhost:8080.

ToDo App

Repeat the above steps for the aepp.

cd ./aepp
npm install

The To-do list Æpp is started via:

npm run serve

It runs at http://localhost:8081.

Identity Aepp and To-do list Æpp

Identity Aepp

The alternative identity provider is the custom identity aepp. We will use it just for simplicity and showing the app development process. The Identity Aepp expects our To-do list Aepp to be loaded into an iFrame contained in the aepp. The essential part of the app is instantiation of the wallet. The implementation is shown here:

  async created() {
    this.client = await Wallet({
      url: this.url,
      internalUrl: this.internalUrl,
      compilerUrl: this.compilerUrl,
      accounts: [MemoryAccount({ keypair: { secretKey: this.priv, publicKey: } })],
      onTx: this.confirmDialog,
      onChain: this.confirmDialog,
      onAccount: this.confirmDialog,
      onContract: this.confirmDialog

    if (!this.runningInFrame) this.$refs.aepp.src = this.aeppUrl
    else window.parent.postMessage({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'ready' }, '*')

    this.height = await this.client.height()
    this.balance = await this.client.balance( => 0)

We have attached the confirmation dialog to the following events:

  onTx: this.confirmDialog,
  onChain: this.confirmDialog,
  onAccount: this.confirmDialog,
  onContract: this.confirmDialog

When embedded Aepp triggers some of the above events, Identity Aepp should approve the executed action. The configuration settings are placed in ~/to-do-list-aepp/identity/src/account.js. For example:

export default {
  pub: 'ak_2mwRmUeYmfuW93ti9HMSUJzCk1EYcQEfikVSzgo6k2VghsWhgU',
  priv: 'bb9f0b01c8c9553cfbaf7ef81a50f977b1326801ebf7294d1c2cbccdedf27476e9bbf604e611b5460a3b3999e9771b6f60417d73ce7c5519e12f7e127a1225ca',
  url: '',
  internalUrl: '',
  compilerUrl: '',
  aeppUrl: '//'

The account.js file contains the information for:

  • the public key;
  • the private key;
  • the link to the embedded Aepp;
  • the middleware we want to connect to;
  • the compiler we want to connect to;

We want to test our To-do list Æpp on the testnet. The url and the internalUrl property should be for the newtork and the compilerUrl is As you can see the aeppUrl property points to the To-do list Æpp url - // This property is used for the embedding of the To-do list Æpp inside Identity Aepp:

<iframe v-show="aeppUrl" ref="aepp" class="" src="about:blank" frameborder="1"></iframe>

To-do list Æpp

Here is the structure of the src directory for the aepp project:

├── assets
│   └── logo.png
│   └── logo-small.png
├── components
│   └── Header.vue
│   └── ToDo.vue
├── store
│   └── store.js
│   └── toDo.module.js
├── App.vue
├── contractDetails.js
├── main.js

Application flow

In this tutorial we will focus on the ToDo.vue and contractDetails.js files. These two files contain the essence of our project. Тhe other files are specific to the configuration of the frontend framework you have chosen - in our case - Vue.js.

This tutorial will not deal with creation of the ui components and styling them

Мost of the code is crammed into the ToDo.vue file. That is so, as for the purpose of this tutorial, good separation is not essential. Please do follow the VUE best practices once you start developing outside of this tutorial.

contractDetails.js file

The contractDetails.js file contains the information for the contract and the deployed contract address. For instance:

export default {
  contractAddress: 'ct_28HXSRkYyQDr4nRzYuUTDyRxy9NGJRYuTpi5LUiyvb7oG9tJaj',
  contractSource: `contract ToDoManager =

  record todo = {
    name: string,
    is_completed: bool}

  record state = {
    map_user_todos: map(address, map(int, todo)),
    map_user_todo_count: map(address, int),
    map_user_todo_id: map(address, int)}

  stateful entrypoint init() =
    { map_user_todos = {},
      map_user_todo_count = {},
      map_user_todo_id = {}}

  entrypoint get_todo_count(user: address) : int =
    Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todo_count, 0)

  private function get_todo_id(user: address) : int =
    Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todo_id, 0)

  stateful entrypoint add_todo(todo_name: string) : int =
    let new_todo : todo = {
      name = todo_name,
      is_completed = false}

    let count = get_todo_count(Call.caller) + 1
    let id = get_todo_id(Call.caller) + 1

    put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller = {}][id] = new_todo})
    put(state{map_user_todo_count[Call.caller] = count})
    put(state{map_user_todo_id[Call.caller] = id})


  stateful entrypoint edit_todo_state(todo_id: int, is_completed: bool) =

    let current_todo : todo = get_todo_by_id'(Call.caller, todo_id)
    let edited_todo : todo = {
      name =,
      is_completed = is_completed}

    put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller][todo_id] = edited_todo})

  stateful entrypoint edit_todo_name(todo_id: int, todo_name: string) =

    let current_todo : todo = get_todo_by_id'(Call.caller, todo_id)
    let edited_todo : todo = {
      name = todo_name,
      is_completed = current_todo.is_completed}

    put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller][todo_id] = edited_todo})

  stateful entrypoint delete_todo(todo_id: int) =
    let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
    let updated_todos = Map.delete(todo_id, todos)

    put(state{map_user_todos[Call.caller] = updated_todos})

    let count = get_todo_count(Call.caller) - 1
    put(state{map_user_todo_count[Call.caller] = count})

  entrypoint get_todo_by_id(id: int) : todo =
    let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
    let result = switch(Map.lookup(id, todos))
      // None => {}
      Some(x) => x


  entrypoint get_todos() =

    let user_todos = Map.lookup_default(Call.caller, state.map_user_todos, {})
    let todos = Map.to_list(user_todos)

  private function convert_bool_to_string(expression: bool) : string =
      true => "true"
      false => "false"

  private function get_todo_by_id'(user: address, id: int) : todo =
    let todos: map(int,todo) = Map.lookup_default(user, state.map_user_todos, {})

    let result = switch(Map.lookup(id, todos))
      // None => {}
      Some(x) => x


In the previous tutorial we have deployed the ToDoManager.aes contract to the testnet, we will use the deployed contract address as a contractAddress property.

Todo.vue file

The application flow starts with the authentication step. The code placed in the getClient lifecycle hook waits for the 'parent' identity Aepp to provide the connected client.

  this.client = await Aepp({
    parent: this.runningInFrame ? window.parent : await this.getReverseWindow()

  this.$store.dispatch('setAccount', this.client);

Calling a contract function

In order to interact with the contract functions, we will create a contractInstance so we can use the .call method to execute a contract funtion that either reads from the contract without chaning the state or a contract function the changes the state of the contract.

  this.contractInstance = await this.client.getContractInstance(contractDetails.contractSource, { contractAddress: contractDetails.contractAddress });

Get all tasks

The first step after successful authentication is to take all the tasks in the contract, if any. Тhis is achieved by calling the get_todos function of our ToDoManager contract. Finally we will store the results in the toDos array and visualize it in the frontend template.

  async getContractTasks() {
    const allToDosResponse = await"get_todos", []);
    const allToDos = await allToDosResponse.decode();
    const parsedToDos = this.convertSophiaListToTodos(allToDos);
    this.$store.dispatch('setToDos', parsedToDos);
  convertToTODO(data) {
    return {
      isCompleted: data.is_completed

  convertSophiaListToTodos(data) {
    let tempCollection = [];
    let taskId;

    for (let dataIndex in data) {
      let todoInfo = data[dataIndex];

      taskId = todoInfo[0];
      let todo = this.convertToTODO(todoInfo[1]); = taskId;


    return tempCollection;

Create a task

Creating a task is done by calling the add_todo function of our ToDoManager contract. Here we will use the .call to change the contract state:

  async addTodo() {
    try {
      const value = this.newTodo && this.newTodo.trim()
      if (!value) {

      const allToDos = this.allToDos;

        id: allToDos.length > 0 ? allToDos.length : 0,
        title: value,
        completed: false

      await'add_todo', [value]);

      await this.getContractTasks();

      this.newTodo = ''
    } catch (e) {

Change task status

Changing a task status is done by calling the edit_todo_state function of our ToDoManager contract.

  async toggleTaskStatus(key) {

    try {
      await'edit_todo_state', [this.allToDos[key - 1].id, !this.allToDos[key - 1].isCompleted]);
      this.$store.dispatch('toggleTaskStatus', key);
    } catch (err) {


Let’s briefly recap what we did during this tutorial series. In the first part we created a basic ToDoManager.aes contract that can:

  • create a new task;
  • read a specific task;
  • edit a specific task;
  • delete a specific task;
  • get all tasks;
  • get total tasks count;
  • get task by index;

We wrote basic unit tests for the contract. Compile it with testnet network selected and deploy the contract to the testnet. The deployed contract address and contract bytecode will be used in the next tutorial. The second part shows us how to communicate with the previously deployed contract. The included features are:

  • connecting the account with testnet;
  • getting the account's balance;
  • getting all the task and visualize them in the browser;
  • creating a task by typing name in a input field and press enter;
  • chaning a task status by a button click;

You can now create a own awesome Æpp.

The æternity team will keep this tutorial updated. If you encounter any problems please check out the video tutorial on YouTube or contract us through the æternity dev Forum category.