It includes user authentication flow based on synchronizer-token-pattern (per session tokens) + fingerprint cookie(sameSite,secure,httpOnly) , tab synchronization using broadcast channel. It uses React, Graphql, Apollo server, Express, Nexus, React-query, jest, vite, vitest (improved testing for vite).
Here's Backend repo
# setup MSW (app)
yarn app msw:init
# download the published GraphQL schema from apollo studio (Need to setup rover auth)
# follow docs:
npx rover config auth
npx rover graph fetch [your_graph_id]@[variant] > src/__generated__/schema.graphql
# download the GraphQL schema from a local development server (eg:http://localhost:4000)
yarn app download:schema:local
# Generate static types for GraphQL queries. Use the downloaded schema
yarn app gql:codegen
yarn app dev
yarn app test
yarn app coverage
yarn app preview
yarn app build
- Add e2e tests
improve token synchronization between tabs✅️
Cannot find module '/[redacted]/starter/.yarn/releases/yarn-berry.cjs
rm .yarnrc.yml
yarn set version berry
# and add below line to `.yarnrc.yml`
nodeLinker: node-modules