Releases: agiledragon/gomonkey
Releases · agiledragon/gomonkey
support riscv64
- The code is completely generated by AI.
add origin wrapper to execute function
- add origin wrapper to execute function
- setup github CI
- check function return value type
fix permission denied on MacOS
Merge pull request #144 from myzhan/master try to write memory with mach_vm_protect on mac
fix bug for Mac
- Complete some go build tags and fix declaration on MacOS
support loong64
User experience improvement
- allow repeat patch
- allow declare partial args
- arg type can be interface
- fix import for func dsl test
support variadic method
fully support private method
You can enjoy the private method feature for all go versions, the list of verified go versions as follows:
- go1.14 ok
- go1.15 ok
- go1.16 ok
- go1.17 ok
- go1.18 ok
method APIs for convenience
The target of mehod APIs no need to convert to reflect.Type.
several new APIs for convenience
- support a patch for a func/ function variable/method with specifying return value
- support a patch for a method without passing receiver