A tournament hosting solution
- rosengrenen - Rasmus Rosengren
- Noxemia - Aarons Sandgren
- cajoho99 - Carl Holmberg
- SantaPoro - Dino Pasalic
- Hannorden - Hannes Nordblom
- jonatanlandin - Jonatan Landin
- AntonRodholm - Anton Rödholm
All documents (individual reflections, team reflections, and final report) can be found in the documents
The technical documentation can be found under the Wiki
tab of the repository.
There is a document where all the technologies we use are presented.
It can be found here.
- Docker
- Docker compose
In the root of the project, the frontend package, and the backend package, copy the .env.example
to .env
and fill in the variables (most of them are prefilled with correct values).
To run the project, execute
docker-compose up
in the root of the project.