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ZXingLib is an OutSystems library that provides actions that allow to encode or decode barcodes in different formats. It wraps the ZXing library (in this case the .NET port from Michael Jahn).

The following barcodes are supported by the decoder: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, ITF, Codabar, MSI, RSS-14 (all variants), QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec and PDF-417. The encoder supports the following formats: UPC-A, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 128, ITF, Codabar, Plessey, MSI, QR Code, PDF-417, Aztec, Data Matrix

Additionally this library also provides accelerators to generate QR Codes encoding different types of content such as WiFi connection credentials, Calendar events, or Contact cards.



Scans barcode from a given image.

Barcode? Decode(byte[] image, string? formatHint)
Parameter Description
image Image containing the barcode.
formatHint Optional parameter to indicate what type of barcode to scan the image for, e.g. QR_CODE.

Return type Barcode.


Generates a barcode with the received input data.

public byte[] Encode(string contents, string format, 
    int width, int height, int margin,
    bool pureBarcode, bool gS1Format, bool noPadding,
    string? encoding = null, string? ecl = null, int? qRCodeVersion = null,
    byte[]? overlayImage = null,
    string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
contents Contents to encode as a barcode.
format Optional parameter to indicate what type of barcode to scan the image for. E.g. QR_CODE.
width Width of the barcode image.
height Height of the barcode image.
margin Specifies margin, in pixels, to use when generating the barcode. The meaning can vary by format; for example it controls margin before and after the barcode horizontally for most 1D formats.
pureBarcode Don't put the content string into the output image.
gS1Format Specifies whether the data should be encoded to the GS1 standard; FNC1 character is added in front of the data.
noPadding Don't add a white area around the generated barcode if the requested size is larger than then barcode.
encoding Specifies what character encoding to use where applicable, e.g. UTF-8, ISO-8859-1
ecl Specifies what degree of error correction to use, for example in QR Codes. Type depends on the encoder.
For example for QR codes it can be L (~7% correction), M (~15% correction), Q (~20% correction), and H (~30% correction).
For Aztec it is integer representing the minimal percentage of error correction words. Note: an Aztec symbol should have a minimum of 25% EC words.
For PDF417 it is integer between 0 and 8.
qRCodeVersion Specifies the exact version of QR code to be encoded.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received calendar event data.

public byte[] EncodeCalendarEvent(CalendarEvent calendarEvent, int size, 
                                byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG"));
Parameter Description
calendarEvent Calendar event to encode as a barcode of type CalendarEvent.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received contact data.

public byte[] EncodeContact(Contact contact, bool isMeCard, int size, 
                            byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
contact Contact to encode as a barcode of type Contact.
isMeCard Indicates if it uses MECARD format instead of VCARD format.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received email address.

public byte[] EncodeEmail(string email, int size, 
                        byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
email Email to encode.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received geo location.

public byte[] EncodeLocation(string latitude, string longitude, int size, 
                            byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
latitude Latitude.
longitude Longitude.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received phone number.

public byte[] EncodePhoneNumber(string phoneNumber, bool isFacetime, int size, 
                                byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
phoneNumber Phone number to encode.
isFacetime Indicates if it generates a facetime call.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the received SMS content.

public byte[] EncodeSMS(string phoneNumber, string message, int size, 
                        byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
phoneNumber Phone number.
message Message.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].


Generates a barcode with the Wifi connection information.

public byte[] EncodeWifi(Wifi wifi, int size, 
                        byte[]? overlayImage = null, string outputFormat = "PNG");
Parameter Description
wifi Wifi data of type Wifi.
size Width of the barcode image.
overlayImage Overlay image for QR Code.
outputFormat Output image format, e.g. PNG. Default: PNG. Supported formats: PNG,GIF,WEBP,JPG,BMP.

Return type byte[].




Structure that holds decoded barcodes

Attribute Type Description
value string Barcode decoded value
rawBytes byte[] Barcode raw bytes
format string Barcode format



Defines a calendar event to be shared as a QR code

Attribute Type Mandatory Length Description
title string Event title.
isAllDay bool Indicates if it is an all day event or not.
startDateTime DateTime Event start date.
endDateTime DateTime Event end date.
location string 100 Event location.
description string 2000 Event description.
eventClass string 20 Event class, e.g. PUBLIC or PRIVATE.
organizer string 50 Event organizer.
priority int 50 Event priority. Value between 1 and 4 is Low priority, 5 is Medium priority, and between 6 and 9 is High priority.
showAsBusy bool Show as busy in calendar.


Defines a this to be shared as a QR code.

Attribute Type Mandatory Length Description
formatedName string 100 Formated name.
composedName ComposedName Composed name.
organization string 50 Organization.
title string 50 Title.
homePhone string Home phone number.
workPhone string Work phone number.
mobilePhone string Mobile phone number.
email string Email.
address string 100 Address.
website string 100 Website.
notes string 2000 Notes.


Defines a name by its components.

Attribute Type Mandatory Length Description
firstName string 50 First name.
lastName string 50 Last name.
middleNames string 100 Middle names.
prefix string 20 Name prefix.
sufix string 20 Name sufix.


Defines a Wifi connection.

Attribute Type Mandatory Length Description
SSID string 50 SSID.
password string 50 Password.
authentication string 10 Type of authentication. Possible values: WEP, WPA, WPA2-EAP, nopass.
isHidden bool Is hidden.
eapMethod string 10 EAP method, like TTLS or PWD (WPA2-EAP only).
anonymousIdentity string 50 Anonymous identity (WPA2-EAP only).
identity string 50 Identity (WPA2-EAP only).
phase2Method string 10 Phase 2 method like MSCHAPV2 (WPA2-EAP only).


Many thanks to the team of the zxing project for their great work and to Michael Jahn for creating the .NET port!


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