Template Web API with individual user accounts and without, ninject, automapper set up.
- Open solution in VS
- Replace in files - TemplateWebApi with the desired name
- Rename the solution and all the projects - replacing TemplateWebApi with the desired name
- Rename all default namespaces and assembly names in all projects properties - replacing TemplateWebApi with the desired name
- Close VS
- Rename all the projects folders in Windows - replacing TemplateWebApi with the desired name
- Start the solution in VS
- All the projects can not be found
- Remove the project one by one and Add Existing Project to the folders by navigating to the desired one
- Select Web.Api to be starting project
- Delete all bin, obj and packages folders
- Build, Start, Done
- Delete all bin, obj and packages folders - if something breaks, delete them again and restart the solution
- If you do not follow the steps references will not be saved. They are:
- TemplateWebApi.Common - none
- TemplateWebApi.Data - TemplateWebApi.Data.Models
- TemplateWebApi.Data.Common - TemplateWebApi.Data
- TemplateWebApi.Data.Models - none
- TemplateWebApi.Services.Data - TemplateWebApi.Data.Common, TemplateWebApi.Data.Models
- TemplateWebApi.Web.Api - all
- TemplateWebApi.Web.Infrastructure - none
- Blank Solution - the name of the app
- Folders - Data, Services, Web
- Generating Projects
- for Data - where browse to add \Data
- the name of the app.Data
- the name of the app.Models
- for Data - where browse to add \Data
- Scripts
- Views
- Fonts
- Areas
- AppData
- Content
- favicon
- Project Readme
- Bundle Config
- Filter Config
- Route Config
- Home Controller
- Values Controller???
After build removing the unused from Global.asax
From IdentityModels extract ApplicationUser to Data.Models
Adding through Manage NuGet for solution adding EntityFramework and Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework for Data.Models and Data
Adding references after build
From IdentityModels extract ApplicationDbContext to Data
Fix Usings and References
Delete IdentityModels
Package Manager Console - enable-migrations for Data
Making public static class DatabaseConfig in App_Start with namespace without App_Start at the end
In DatabaseConfig -
public static void Initialize() { Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<ApplicationDbContext, Configuration>()); } and fix the Configuration class into Migrations to be public -
Global.asax - DatabaseConfig.Initialize();
DatabaseConfig - Initialize - ApplicationDbContext.Create().Database.Initialize(true);
WebConfig - fixing connectionString
IdentityConfig - for password length and so on
For registering: POST - localhost:(your api)/api/Account/Register Headers - Content-Type - application/json Body - raw JSON - {"email":"ahansb@mail.com", "password":"123456", "confirmPassword":"123456"}
For getting authorization: POST - localhost:(your api)/Token Body - x-www-form-urlencoded username ahansb@mail.com password 123456 grant_type password Access Token is received after the post of type Bearer
AccountBindingModels - extract all classes with the same namespace
AccountViewModels - extract all classes with the same namespace
Fix all using in namespaces
Adding Data.Common - with GenericRepository copy/paste from old projects and in Contracts IGenericRepository
Adding in Services\TemplateWebApi.Services.Data
Adding in Data.Models template object with user and in ApplicationUser collection ot templates. Adding Templates into ApplicationDbContext.
Adding new TemplateController - Web API 2 Controller with actions, using Entity Framework. Adding [Authorization]
Adding Project View Models - TemplateReques and Response view models
Adding in Services.Data TemplatesService and ITemplatesService
Installing Ninject.Web.WebApi.WebHost in Web.Api
In NinjectWebCommon in RegisterServices - kernel.Bind().To();
Adiing in TemplatesService and ITemplatesService Add function
After Exception in NinjectWebCommon updating all 4 ninject
If exception when try to start - Multiple object sets per type are not supported. The object sets 'ApplicationUsers' and 'Users' can both contain instances of type 'TemplateWebApi.Data.Models.ApplicationUser'., remove in ApplicationDbContext - public System.Data.Entity.DbSet<TemplateWebApi.Data.Models.ApplicationUser> ApplicationUsers { get; set; }
Copy paste ninject register services -
Adding IApplicationDbContext
Adding through nuget ninject.extensions.conventions
Adding using Ninject.Extensions.Conventions; in NinjectWebCommon
Adding new project TemplateWebApi.Common with constants for assemblies
In Repository to use IApplicationDbContext not DbContext and property Context
Fixing TemplatesController with TemplatesService
Installing Automapper in Web.API
Making new project TemplateWebApi.Web.Infrastructure with mappings folder and installing Automapper:
- AutomapperConfig
- IHaveCustomMappings
- IMapFrom
- IMapTo
- QueryableExtensions
Register in Global.asax Automapper - var autoMapperConfig = new AutoMapperConfig(); autoMapperConfig.Execute(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
Making BaseController for automapper
TemplatesController implement with automapper