Group work and collaboration
Ahmed Nasr Eldardery Ibrahim | 20170034
- Created a github account.
- Analyzed the Two squares game, designed an algorithm and implemented it in python.
- Added Artificial Intelligence to the game.
- Created a C++ version of the game.
- Created a graphics version of the Two squares game.
Adham Mamdouh Mohamed | 20170039
- Created a github account.
- Analyzed the Kayles game, designed an algorithm and implemented it in python.
- Added Artificial Intelligence to the game.
- Created a C++ version of the game.
- Created a graphics version of the Kayles game.
Belal Hamdy Ezzat | 20170077
- Created a github account.
- Analyzed the 100 game, designed an algorithm and implemented it in python.
- Added Artificial Intelligence to the game.
- Created a C++ version of the game.
- Created a graphics version of the Dots and boxes game.
Correct implementation of the group problem (chap 3, page 176, problem 7)
Done a cipher program that implements all ten algorithms.
Group collaboration and following coding style.
Ahmed Nasr Eldardery Ibrahim | 20170034
- Used typingclub.com and did 100 lessons.
- Implemented the Baconian Cipher and Decipher algorithms.
- Correct implementation of the assigned problem (chap 2, page 109, problem 13)
Adham Mamdouh Mohamed | 20170039
- Used typingclub.com and did 100 lessons.
- Implemented the Rail-fence Cipher and Decipher algorithms.
- Correct implementation of the assigned problem (square root using Bakhshali method)
Ashraf Samir Ali | 20170053
- Used typingclub.com and did 100 lessons.
- Implemented the ROT13 Cipher and Decipher algorithms.
- Correct implementation of the assigned problem (chap 2, page 108, problem 11)
Allow users to enter data sets and store each one in a separate file.
Handled empty, invalid and wrong data-type files.
Extend the program to work with 3 sets for all the given functions.
Created the function decomposition diagram.
Ahmed Nasr Eldardery Ibrahim | 20170034
- used Solo Learn app and finished up to functions
- Posted a question and answered one on stackoverflow.com
- Individual tasks
- Union of A, B
- Intersection of A, B
- A - B
Adham Mamdouh Mohamed | 20170039
- used Solo Learn app and finished up to functions
- Posted a question and answered one on stackoverflow.com
- Individual tasks
- Check if A and B are disjoint
- Check if A and B are equal
- Check if a set is a proper subset of other
Belal Hamdy Ezzat | 20170077
- used Solo Learn app and finished up to functions
- Posted a question and answered one on stackoverflow.com
- Individual tasks
- B - A
- Cartesian product of A and B
- Power set of A
Integrated work correctly in one full program.
Ahmed Nasr Eldardery Ibrahim | 20170034
- Finished the Black & White Filter
- Finished the Flip Image filter
- Finished the Detect Image Edges filter
Adham Mamdouh Mohamed | 20170039
- Finished the Merge Filter
- Finished the Darken and Lighten Image filtre
- Finished the Shrink Image filter
Belal Hamdy Ezzat | 20170077
- Finished the Invert Filter
- Finished the Rotate Image filter
- Finished the Enlarge Image filter