The purpose of this document is to create an automation workflow that creates a single-sign-on access to AWS account through Azure Enterprise Applications.
Before using this pipeline, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
Access and Secret key of an AWS IAM user with administrator role and Full IAM access, uploaded to 1Password in a specific format.
1Password CLI installed, or Repository to download from.
Environment to run shell executable file.
Registered App on Azure with the following permissions:
Permission Name Description Application.ReadWrite.All Read and write all applications AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All Manage app permission grants and app role assignments Policy.Read.All Read your organization's policies Policy.ReadWrite.ApplicationConfiguration Read and write your organization's application configuration policies Synchronization.ReadWrite.All Read and write all Azure AD synchronization data User.ReadWrite.All Manage user read and write permissions in Azure AD
- Get an input such as account name from a Bitbucket Pipeline trigger.
- Get AWS account credentials and details from 1Password.
- Pass the credentials and details to an Azure function as body data in a web request.
- The federation Metadata XML is temporarily downloaded on the container to be used later by AWS.
- Using AWS account name and details, download any existing tf.state file of that account in our Bitbucket downloads folder. If no file is found, then a new one is created.
- Terraform script is executed:
- AWS created IAM user’s access and secret key are returned in the output.
- The tf.state file is uploaded to Bitbucket downloads.
- A new request body is made from the AWS credentials in step 5.
- The body is sent to the same Azure function again which performs:
- AWS template creation
- Credential validations
- Storing credentials in the service principal
- Creating a synchronization job
- Starting the job to complete provisioning.
🪶 Add Users
Once provisioning is completed, we can make a few API calls to get the app roles and assign them to users using their Principal ID.