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đź“Š BuddyChat API Documentation

Table of Contents


This is the API documentation for the BuddyChat API. The API is built with Django and GraphQL using graphene. The API introduces a chat system with the following features:

  • User registration and authentication
  • Chat system
  • Group chat system
  • Notifications
  • Real-time chat messages
  • Copy of messages for each user which leads to the ability to delete messages for each user

UML Model Diagram

Model Diagram


The API endpoint is /graphql.


  • users: The users in the system
  • chats: The chats for the current user
  • groups: The group copies for the current user
  • notifications: The notifications for the current user
  • chat: Resolve a chat for the current user
  • group: Resolve a group copy for the current user
  • user: Resolve a user


  • setNotificationRead: Set a notification as read
  • login: Login to the API. Returns a token
  • refreshToken: Refresh the token
  • verifyToken: Verify the token
  • revokeToken: Revoke the token
  • createUser: Create a user with a phone number
  • addPhoneNumber: Add a phone number to the current user
  • removePhoneNumber: Remove a phone number from the current user
  • updateUser: Update the current user's data
  • changePassword: Change the current user's password
  • deleteUser: Delete the current user
  • createGroup: A mutation to create a group. The creator is automatically added as an admin, and a group member copy is created for the creator
  • createGroupMessage: A mutation to create a group message. A group message is created for each group member, and a notification is created for each group member
  • createGroupMember: A mutation to add a member to a group
  • changeAdmin: A mutation to change the admin status of a group member
  • updateGroup: A mutation to update a group
  • deleteGroup: A mutation to delete a group. Messages are deleted for the group copy of the current user
  • updateGroupMessage: A mutation to update a group message
  • deleteGroupMessage: A mutation to delete a group message. Deletes the message for the group copy of the current user
  • unsendGroupMessage: A mutation to unsend a group message. Deletes the message for all group members
  • removeGroupMember: A mutation to remove a member from a group
  • leaveGroup: A mutation to leave a group
  • removeGroupPermanently: A mutation to remove a group permanently
  • setArchiveGroup: A mutation to archive a group
  • createChat: A mutation to create two chat copies for two users
  • createSelfChat: A mutation to create a chat copy for the current user
  • createChatMessage: A mutation to create a chat message. A chat message is created for each user, and a notification is created for the other user
  • updateChatMessage: A mutation to update a chat message
  • deleteChatMessage: A mutation to delete a chat message. Deletes the message for the chat copy of the current user
  • unsendChatMessage: A mutation to unsend a chat message. Deletes the message for both chat copies
  • deleteChat: A mutation to delete a chat. Messages are deleted for the chat copy of the current user
  • setArchiveChat: A mutation to archive or unarchive a chat
  • setChatMessageAsRead: A mutation to set a chat message as read



  • The API uses Django Channels with signals to send messages to the client. The messages which are sent are not much like GraphQL subscriptions. They are more like WebSocket messages. Because of Graphene limitations, I made a workaround to send messages like WebSocket messages. The subprotocol used is graphql-transport-ws.

  • The subscription is done by sending a subscription query to the API with the following structure:

    subscription {
        subscribe {
  • This query is done to subscribe to the messages. The success field returns True and it is not used. The subscription is done by sending a next message to the client with the message payload.

Message Structure

  • All messages are sent as next messages and contain the field id which represents the subscription id.
  • The message contains payload which contains the actual message.
  • The payload message is an object with the following properties:
    • type: The type of the message. It is always broadcast.
    • operation: The operation which is done.
    • payload: The actual payload of the message.

Message Operations Table

Operation Description
CHAT_MESSAGE_CREATED A new chat message has been created
CHAT_MESSAGE_UPDATED An existing chat message has been updated
CHAT_MESSAGE_DELETED A chat message has been deleted
CHAT_MESSAGE_UNSENT A chat message has been unsent
CHAT_MESSAGE_READ A chat message has been read
CHAT_DELETED A chat has been deleted
GROUP_MESSAGE_CREATED A new group message has been created
GROUP_MESSAGE_UPDATED An existing group message has been updated
GROUP_MESSAGE_DELETED A group message has been deleted
GROUP_MESSAGE_UNSENT A group message has been unsent
GROUP_MESSAGE_READ A group message has been read
GROUP_DELETED A group has been deleted
GROUP_UPDATED A group has been updated
GROUP_PERMANENTLY_REMOVED A group has been permanently removed
NOTIFICATION_CREATED A new notification has been created
MEMBER_ADDED A new member has been added to a group
MEMBER_REMOVED A member has been removed from a group
MEMBER_LEFT A member has left a group

Example Message

    "type": "next",
    "id": "b7455cd0-2363-481a-913e-74be16be060e",
    "payload": {
        "type": "broadcast",
        "operation": "CHAT_MESSAGE_CREATED",
        "payload": {
            "chatMessage": {
                "id": "GQo6U2hhdHRlY2g6MjI=",
                "message": {
                    "id": "GQo6TWVzc2FnZVR5cGU6MjA=",
                    "content": "Hello",
                    "sender": {
                        "id": "GQo6VXNlcjp1c2VyMQ=="
                "chat": {
                    "id": "GQo6Q2hhdDpjaGF0MQ=="



type CustomUser {
    id: ID!
    username: String!
    firstName: String!
    lastName: String!
    email: String!
    phoneNumbers: [PhoneNumber]
    chats: [Chat]
    notifications: [Notification]

Description: The user type. It contains the user's information.


type PhoneNumber {
    id: ID!
    number: String!
    countryCode: String!


input PhoneNumberInput {
    number: String!
    countryCode: String!


type Message {
    id: ID!
    content: String!
    readAt: DateTime

Description: The root message type which is the dependent type for the chat message and group message types.


type Chat {
    id: ID!
    user: CustomUser!
    otherUser: CustomUser!
    archived: Boolean!
    chat_messages: [ChatMessage]

Description: The chat type. Each user has a chat copy for each other user they have chatted with.


type ChatMessage {
    id: ID!
    message: Message!
    chat: Chat!

Description: The chat message type. It contains the chat message information.


type UserGroup {
    id: ID!
    title: String!  
    description: String!
    members: [GroupMember]

Description: The root user group type. It contains the main information. GroupMember depends on this type.


type GroupMessage {
    id: ID!
    message: Message!
    group_copy: UserGroupMemberCopy!

Description: The group message type. It contains the group message information.


type GroupMember {
    id: ID!
    user: CustomUser!
    group: UserGroup!
    isAdmin: Boolean!
    joinedAt: DateTime!

Description: The group member type. It contains the group member information.


type Attachment {
    id: ID!
    file: String!
    message: Message!


type Notification {
    id: ID!
    message: Message!
    readAt: DateTime


type UserGroupMemberCopy {
    id: ID!
    member: GroupMember!
    isArchived: Boolean!
    group_messages: [GroupMessage]

Description: The user group member copy type. The user copy of the group, so that each user can have a copy of the group messages.

Mutation Types


type CreateGroup {
    userGroup: UserGroup

Description: A mutation to create a group. The creator is automatically added as an admin, and a group member copy is created for the creator.


type CreateGroupMessage {
    message: GroupMessage

Description: A mutation to create a group message. A group message is created for each group member, and a notification is created for each group member.


type CreateGroupMember {
    groupMember: GroupMember

Description: A mutation to add a member to a group.


type ChangeAdmin {
    groupMember: GroupMember

Description: A mutation to change the admin status of a group member.


type UpdateGroup {
    groupCopy: UserGroupMemberCopy

Description: A mutation to update a group.


type DeleteGroup {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to delete a group. Messages are deleted for the group copy of the current user.


type UpdateGroupMessage {
    groupMessage: GroupMessage

Description: A mutation to update a group message.


type DeleteGroupMessage {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to delete a group message. Deletes the message for the group copy of the current user.


type UnsendGroupMessage {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to unsend a group message. Deletes the message for all group members.


type RemoveGroupMember {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to remove a member from a group.


type LeaveGroup {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to leave a group.


type RemoveGroupPermanently {
    success: Boolean

Description: A mutation to remove a group permanently.


type SetArchiveGroup {
    groupCopy: UserGroupMemberCopy

Description: A mutation to archive a group.


type SetNotificationAsRead {
    notification: Notification

Description: A mutation to set a notification as read.


type UpdateUser {
    user: CustomUser

Description: Mutation to update the current user's data.


type ChangePassword {
    user: CustomUser

Description: Mutation to change the current user's password.


type DeleteUser {
    userId: Int

Description: Mutation to delete the current user.


type CreateUser {
    user: CustomUser
    phoneNumber: PhoneNumber

Description: Mutation to create a user with a phone number.


type AddPhoneNumber {
    phoneNumber: PhoneNumber

Description: Mutation to add a phone number to the current user.


type RemovePhoneNumber {
    success: Boolean

Description: Mutation to remove a phone number from the current user.


type CreateChat {
    chat: Chat
    otherChat: Chat

Description: Mutation to create two chat copies for two users.


type CreateSelfChat {
    chat: Chat

Description: Mutation to create a chat for the user.


type CreateChatMessage {
    chatMessage: ChatMessage

Description: Mutation to create a chat message. A chat message is created for each user, and a notification is created for the other user.


type UpdateChatMessage {
    chatMessage: ChatMessage

Description: Mutation to update a chat message.


type DeleteChatMessage {
    success: Boolean

Description: Mutation to delete a chat message. Deletes the message for the chat copy of the current user.


type UnsendChatMessage {
    success: Boolean

Description: Mutation to unsend a chat message. Deletes the message for both chat copies.


type DeleteChat {
    success: Boolean

Description: Mutation to delete a chat. Messages are deleted for the chat copy of the current user.


type SetChatArchived {
    chat: Chat

Description: Mutation to archive or unarchive a chat.


type SetChatMessageAsRead {
    chatMessage: ChatMessage

Description: Mutation to set a chat message as read.

Subscription Types


type Subscribe {
    success: Boolean

Description: The success message is returned when the client subscribes to the messages.

Other Features


To ensure fair usage and prevent abuse, the BuddyChat API implements throttling. This limits the number of requests a user can make to the API within a certain time frame. If the limit is exceeded, the API will return a 403 error response.


The BuddyChat API supports pagination for queries that return lists of items. This helps to manage large datasets by breaking them into smaller, more manageable chunks. Pagination is implemented using the first and after arguments for forward pagination, and last and before arguments for backward pagination. The API returns a PageInfo object that includes information about the current page and whether there are more pages available.


To provide more flexibility in querying data, the BuddyChat API supports filtering on various fields. Filters can be applied to queries to narrow down the results based on specific criteria. The available filters are documented for each query type.


The BuddyChat API provides a comprehensive set of features for building a robust chat application. With support for user authentication, real-time messaging, group chats, notifications, and more, it offers a solid foundation for any chat-based application. The API is designed to be flexible and scalable, with features like throttling, pagination, and filtering to handle various use cases and ensure optimal performance. Whether you're building a simple chat app or a complex messaging platform, the BuddyChat API has you covered.


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