Install the plugins by running the following commands in the root of the repository :
git sudmodule init
git submodule update
: For tag-view with IDE.rubber
: For better compilation for Latex.
View file structure : Uses NerdTree. Enable/Disable tree :
File search :
Programming Tag views :
To enable code completion/ import completion you need to set up a project. To set up a project in the project folders (can be the top level) in a vim session type
. It will create
where you can add options such as files to ignore, warnings to ignore, etc. -
To enable debugging you need to install ipdb
pip install ipdb
List of some commands according to the .vimrc
Code Completion:
Folding code:
- Only one block:
- All the blocks:
- Only one block:
Goto definition :
Breakpoint :
- Insert breakpoint :
- step into :
- next line :
- next breakpoint :
- step up :
- help :
- Insert breakpoint :
Sorting Imports : Visual mode selction and
IPython notebook mode:
- Start Ipython :
ipython console'
- From vim :
- Run full file :
- Run selection :
- Start Ipython :
Prefix key is C-q
c # create a new window
, # name the window (test, vim, console, log, etc.)
" # split pane horizontally
% # split pane vertically
j (or k) # move up or down a pane
h (or l) # move left or right a pane
x # kill a pane or window
# move to window
n (or p) # move to next (or previous) window
l # move to previously selected window
f # find window by name
Alt+ # Resize Windows left/right/etc.
attach (or a) # attaches a session
detach (or d) # detaches a session
kill-session -t <session id>
rename-session -t <old> <new>
`` = ;
Specify master file for each subfile : use modeline
``% mainfile: "MASTER_FILE"``
By default uses pdflatex. To use latex/rubber set g:tex_flavor = "latex"/"rubber"
- Insert mode:
<LocalLeader><LocalLeader> <LocalLeader>
<LocalLeader>K Dictionary completion
<LocalLeader>M Maths completion
<LocalLeader>C Insert a citation
<LocalLeader>B Insert an environment
<LocalLeader>R Insert a reference
- Normal Mode:
<F1> Insert a template file
<C-F> Jump to next \\(begin|end)
<C-B> Jump to previous \\(begin|end)
gd Goto label's declaration
gb Goto citekey's declaration
<LocalLeader>k Small compile
<LocalLeader>K Big compile
<LocalLeader>V View the document
<C-LeftMouse> SyncTeX: Forward search
<LocalLeader>Q View the quickfix window
<LocalLeader>U Update the BibTeX database(s)