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Build and Push ROS and ROS2 images

This repository is used to produce pre-configured and versioned Docker images with ROS 2 and ros2_control packages and other dependencies pre-installed. The images can be used as workspaces for development containers or as base images for downstream targets.

ROS 2 workspace (ros2-ws)

The ros2_ws image provides a ROS 2 workspace with pre-installed ros2-control packages.

Deprecated images

  1. ROS workspace (noetic): the ros_ws image provides a ROS workspace (noetic). Build it by running the build script while in the ros_ws directory. The username that should be supplied at login is ros.

  2. ROS workspace with pre-installed control libraries: the ros_control_libraries image provides the same ROS workspace as ros_ws but comes with the pre-installed control libraries.

  3. ROS 2 workspace with pre-installed control libraries: the ros2_control_libraries image provides the a ROS 2 workspace and comes with the pre-installed control libraries.

  4. ROS 2 workspace with pre-installed control libraries and modulo: the ros2_modulo image provides a ROS 2 workspace with modulo already built and comes with pre-installed control libraries.

  5. ROS 2 workspace with pre-installed control libraries, modulo, and ROS 2 control: the ros2_modulo_control image provides a ROS 2 workspace with modulo already built and comes with pre-installed control libraries and ROS 2 control packages.


The provided scripts simplify launching and connecting to docker containers based on the provided images.

  • aica-docker server
  • aica-docker connect
  • aica-docker interactive

Installation of aica-docker

The script is a simple wrapper for all scripts in this repository, and is designed to be run with the aica-docker command.

Install the aica-docker command using the script. This will create a symbolic link in /usr/local/lib to the scripts in this repository.

cd scripts

To remove the aica-docker symbolic link and command, simply run the script

cd scripts

Note: if the path of this repository is ever changed, the symbolic link will fail to find the scripts. Fix this by uninstalling and then re-installing the link.


The script is a wrapper for docker run and starts an interactive container that is removed on exit. It takes a pre-built image as an argument. Run aica-docker interactive -h for more info.


The script is a wrapper for docker run that is configured specifically for the images in this repository, which have a custom script built in. It spins up a background container running an SSH server, authenticated with the host RSA key pair for the specified user. Run aica-docker server -h for more info.


The script is a wrapper for docker exec that connects an interactive shell to a running container instance. It sets the corresponding environment variables for display forwarding. Run aica-docker connect -h for more info.

Notes on X11 display forwarding for Mac

Initial setup (you will only need to do this once).

brew install socat
brew cask install xquartz

open -a XQuartz

Allow X11 connections by going to XQuartz->Preferences and enabling "Allow connections from network clients" in the Security tab.

To start the display server, run the following in a dedicated terminal

open -a XQuartz
socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,range=,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"

Now, as long as the docker container has the DISPLAY variable set to host.docker.internal:0, any GUIs in the container will be forwarded by X11 and opened as windows on the host.