This repository contains codes for reconstructing dynamical systems using the least square method.
Suppose, the problem is to find a description of a continuous dynamical system in a form of an autonomous odrinary differential equation:
Let us have a number of sample points of the trajectiory
Suppose, every line of a function
For example, we have a recorded three-dimensional trajectory
We randomly select some sample points, shown green-yellow in the middle pane, and reconstruct sparse, readable equations of the system:
Then, we can solve this reconstructed system with a standard matlab solver like ode45
. Such a solution is shown yellow in the right pane.
Download a zip file or via git, and then add the ODERECON directory to your search path:
>> addpath('C:\Users\...\Downloads\ODERECON')
>> savepath
Let us find the equations of the Lorenz system. First, generate a full trajectory with a stepsize
%simulate Lorenz system
Tmax = 45;
h = 0.01;
[t,y] = ode45(@Lorenz,[0:h:Tmax],[0.1,0,-0.1]); %solve ODE
w = transpose(Lorenz(0,transpose(y))); %find derivatives
Then, select
%get uniformly distributed points from the simulated attractor
N = 19; %data points
M = 3; %dimension
[Ns, ~] = size(y); %get the number of data point
W = zeros(N,M); %sample derivatives
Y = zeros(N,M); %sample phase coordinates
for i = 1:N %take random points from trajectory
id = ceil(rand*Ns);
W(i,:) = w(id,:);
Y(i,:) = y(id,:);
After that, we can obtain the Lorenz equations from these PolyRegression
to obtain two cell arrays
dmax = 2; % maximum power of the monomial
[H,T] = PolyRegression(Y,W,dmax);
To show the reconstruction result, we use a function prettyABM
which outputs into the console:
f1 = -10*x1 + 10*x2
f2 = 28*x1 - x2 - x1*x3
f3 = -2.6667*x3 + x1*x2
Then, we can simulate the results using a function oderecon
[~,y] = ode45(@(t,x)oderecon(H,T,t,x),[0:h:Tmax],[0.1,0,-0.1]); %solve ODE
First, introduce some formalism. Representation of an arbitrary
On the first stage of the algorithm, for each line, full matrices
Ordering deglexord(dmin,dmax,M)
. Sparse reconstruction of the equations needs eliminating all excessive terms in
Suppose, we have a trajectory
First, the approximate Buchberger-Moller (ABM) algorithm runs, which excludes all monomials in
[~, O] = ApproxBM(Y, eps, sigma); %use approximate Buchberger-Moller algorithm
Roughly speaking, vanishing means that the monomial takes values near zero on the entire set ApproxBM
returns a border basis as the first unused argument, and an order ideal O
. The latter is utilized as an initial guess for
Then, a time comes for a simple trick to find EvalPoly(chi,Y,tau)
is used to estimate a value returned by the function described with a pair EvalPoly
returns a matrix
E = EvalPoly(eye(L),X,tau);
This matrix is used for estimating
[Q,R] = qr(E);
Q1 = Q(:,1:L);
R1 = R(1:L,1:L);
chi = R1\(Q1'*V);
If we do not need a sparse regression, the code stops its work. Otherwise, a function delMinorTerms
runs for each dimension:
%Use LSM for fitting the equations with the proper coefficients
H = cell(1,M);
T = cell(1,M);
%reconstruct each equation
for i = 1:M
V = W(:,i);
[chi,tau] = delMinorTerms(Y,V,O,eta); %get equation and basis
H{1,i} = chi;
T{1,i} = tau;
The function delMinorTerms(Y,V,O,eta)
estimates coefficients by each monomial as shown before, and then evaluates the contribution of this monomial to the whole function on the set 1/N*norm(V - EvalPoly(chi,Y,tau)) <= eta
, i.e. the normalized error between the values of the reconstructed function and real values is not greater than eta
, the current term which contribution is the lowest is removed from the regression, new
Optionally, iteratively reweighted least squares (IRLS) method can be used instead of an ordinary LSM, or the LASSO regression, which in some cases gives more sparse solution.
The described algorithm is implemented in the function PolyRegression
A number of examples with use cases is provided
This example illustrates reconstructing FitzHugh-Nagumo system from 20 random data points. Running code as is, we obtain the following problem solution:
f1 = x2
f2 = - x1 + 4*x2 - x2^3
This result is obtained when a derivative point set
w = transpose(FHN(0,transpose(y)));
You can change 1 to 0 in the following code line:
derivativecalc = 1; % Set 1 to find derivatives analytically, set 0 to find derivatives numerically
After that, the derivative will be found numerically with a 4-th order finite difference derivative:
w = diff4(y,t);
The result will lose its accuracy showing high sensitivity of the algorithm to numerical and truncation errors:
f1 = 0.99996*x2
f2 = -0.99811*x1 + 3.9906*x2 - 0.99748*x2^3
Adding strict accuracy options for the ode solver and replacing the ode45
solver to the more accurate ode78
or ode113
improves this result, please, check it out.
This code illustrates reconstruction of a stable 2-dimensional linear system with exponential decay. Derivatives are found analytically. The output of the code is
f1 = x2
f2 = - x1 - 0.3*x2
Reconstructing the classical Lorenz attractor with a workflow shown earlier. The result of the code is
f1 = -10*x1 + 10*x2
f2 = 28*x1 - x2 - x1*x3
f3 = -2.6667*x3 + x1*x2
Reconstructing the Lorenz attractor given only one state variable ode113
solver is used, and additional options for tolerances are added:
opts = odeset('RelTol',1e-13,'AbsTol',1e-15);
[t,y] = ode113(@Lorenz2,[0:h:Tmax],[0.1,0,-0.1],opts); %solve ODE
Once we have only
val = u(:,3); %3rd variable
[iv, ind] = integrate_bool(val,0,h);
[iv2, ind2] = integrate_bool(iv,0.1,4*h);
We can find analytically that the resulting formula should contain negative powers, so we generate a degree-lexicographic ordering starting from
sigma = deglexord(-1,3,3);
Then, we do not use PolyRegression
but explicitly apply delMinorTerms
to each equation to find PolyRegression
. The result of the code is
f1 = x2
f2 = x3
f3 = 720*x1 - 29.3333*x2 - 13.6667*x3 + 11*x1^-1*x2^2 + x1^-1*x2*x3 - 10*x1^3 - x1^2*x2
For more detail, we refer to the original publication.
Reconstructing B. Muthuswamy’s circuit equations from a three-dimensional data series, with one missing state variable. The result of the code is
f1 = x2
f2 = 24519*x2 + 73530*x3 - 0.086055*x1^2*x2
f3 = 7353*x2 - 7353*x3 - 14700000*x4
f4 = 55.55*x3
For more detail, we also refer to the original publication.
This example shows how ODERECON deals with a conservative system. The output of the code is
f1 = -9.9865e-05*x2
f2 = 1.0006*x1
The inaccurate coefficients are due to numerical differentiation dX = diff(X,1,1)
. Replacing it with the following code:
dX = diff4(X,tspan)
results in accurate equations:
f1 = -0.0001*x2
f2 = x1
The ApproxBM
and delMinorTerms
functions are written following pseudocodes provided in the work
Kera, H.; Hasegawa, Y. Noise-tolerant algebraic method for reconstruction of nonlinear dynamical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics 2016, 85(1), 675-692,
If you use this code or its parts in scientific work, please, cite the following papers:
Karimov, A.; Nepomuceno, E.G.; Tutueva, A.; Butusov, D. Algebraic Method for the Reconstruction of Partially Observed Nonlinear Systems Using Differential and Integral Embedding. Mathematics 2020, 8, 300.
Karimov, A.; Rybin, V.; Kopets, E.; Karimov, T.; Nepomuceno, E.; Butusov, D. Identifying empirical equations of chaotic circuit from data. Nonlinear Dyn. 2023, 111:871–886
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