Assignment 2 for COMP90015 Distributed Systems at the University of Melbourne.
A distributed, room-based Chat Server and Client, with a JSON protocol, written in Java.
Main classes:
To run the server, call:
java ChatServer [-p <port-number>]
To run the client, call:
java ChatClient <hostname> [-p <port-number>]
Where port numbers defaults to 4444.
SSH communication
Client Crash detection and resolution
Room dependent user permissions
Password hashing and salting
Dynamic guest user name generation
Persistent User Accounts (for the lifetime of the Server)
Client Commands:
On connection a client can either log in to an existing account, or join as a guest.
At this point the following commands are available to the user:
changes a guest user to an authenticated user, prompting for a password and
creating a new account on the server
#createroom <newRoom>
creates a new chat room on the server, with the user given admin permissions
#kick <kickRoom> <banTime> <kickedUser>
removes and bans a user kickedUser from the chat room kickRoom for banTime seconds
This action is only completed if the calling user is the owner of the room
#delete <room>
deletes to provided chat room only if the calling user is the owner of the room
#login <userName>
attempts to log into an existing account. Prompts for the password and rejects
if case of a wrong password, non-existant userName or if the account is already
logged in
#join <room>
attempts to join a chat room. Fails if the room does not exist or if the user is banned
#who <room>
provides information on a room; the owner and all users currently in the room are listed
returns a list of all rooms that exist on the server
#identitychange <newIdentity>
changes the users name to newIdentity, fails if the identity is already in use
logs an authenticated user out of the server
allows any user to leave the server
any command that does not match the above patterns is treated as a message and
broadcast to all users in the same chat room
Additional information is provided in Assignment-1.pdf