A basic cache simulator written in C++ for ECE6100 at Georgia Tech.
Navigate to root directory and run make
To run the cache simualtor, just execute ./cachesim
. The simulator takes a number of optional parameters:
- C: total cache size
- B: block size
- S: blocks per set (if S=0, then direct-mapped)
- K: number of bytes per subblock
- V: victim cache blocks (if victim cache enabled!)
- i: path to input trace file (see below)
Example: ./cachesim -C 10 -B 4 -S 2 -K 2 -V 8
Upon completing execution, the simulator will return a summary of cache statistics for the given trace file.
A list of cache accesses, one per line.
- Read:
r <address>
- Write:
w <address>
For questions, open an issue or catch me on Twitter (aksiksi).