A dockerfile to invoke virtuoso to import downloaded and converted Gene Ontology (GO), Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO), and HPO Annotation (HPA) data files
At the directory containing the Dockerfile file:
$ sudo docker build -t virtuoso-go-hpo .
$ sudo docker run -it -p 8890:8890 virtuoso-go-hpo
The SPARQL endpoint is available at http://localhost:8890/sparql .
$ curl \
--form "query=SELECT COUNT(?s) FROM <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/go/go.owl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }" \
$ curl \
--form "query=SELECT COUNT(?s) FROM <http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/hp.owl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }" \
$ curl \
--form "query=SELECT COUNT(?s) FROM <http://localhost/hpa.owl> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o . }" \
Author:: MISHIMA, Hiroyuki / missy (at) be.to
License:: The MIT License
The Dockerfile is based on 1) inutano/virtuoso written by Tazro Inutano Ohta at https://registry.hub.docker.com/u/inutano/virtuoso , and 2) http://qiita.com/k-shogo/items/592e243f9763d0c3b10a .