This repository contains code and instances relative to the manuscript ``A Note on Solving the Decision Version of the Berth Allocation Problem via Selective Graph Coloring''.
The solvers are in folder solvers/bap
They are implemented in Python using Gurobi.
The four models that are implemented are:
- The Relative Position and Position Assignment formulations presented in the following paper: Y. Guan and R. K. Cheung, “The berth allocation problem: models and solution methods,” OR Spectrum, vol. 26, pp. 75–92, 2004.
- The Sequence-variables and Time Index formulations presented in the following paper: A. Ernst, C. Oguz, G. Singh, and G. Taherkhani, “Mathematical models for the berth allocation problem in dry bulk terminals,” Journal of Scheduling, vol. 20, pp. 459–473, 2017.
The instances used are a subset of the Ernst instances.
They are in folder instances
in their original .csv
You can solve this repository via Zenodo:
title={Solvers and Instances for the Berth Allocation Problem},
author={Santini, Alberto},
howpublished={Github repository},
The code in folder solvers
is provided under the GNU General Public License v3.