Releases: albertvanderhorst/ciasdis
Release 2.0.0
This version of ciasdis is to be compiled with lina 5.#.#. See the llina release op github. This means that a 64 bit compiler can be used. There are numerous small improvements, leading to the succesful running for the targets regressiontest (for 32 bits) and regressiontest64 (for 64 bits).
Binary distributions and source distributions are classic. A debian package could be construed by the target install (generating a debian package foldout directory tree) or debian.mak.
The background of this assembler is explained in a separate chapter of the documentation of lina 5.#.#
Note: If you use release 5.4.0 you may add
into two sources in order to compile, as6809.frt and rfcrawl.cul.
This don't warrant a separate release.
2012 april, First release with .deb archive, for lina version 4.
Release date 2012 april.
The git date merely reflects the transfer to github.
This is the last stable release for ciasdis that is compilable with lina version 4.
The .deb archive takes care that the manual pages are properly installed.
Installation of lina version 4 is highly recommended if you want to do scripting. This is antiquarily available at
The debian archive was released earlier as
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