This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 27, 2023. It is now read-only.
sKan will scan your kubernetes resource files (manifests), and helm charts for security configurations issues and best practices.
Output Format |
html |
junit |
yaml |
json |
skan is powered by Alcide Advisor scan engine and OPA
Install | bash
Command Line Examples
# Validate a YAML file. Multiple YAML files seperated with '---' is supported
skan manifest -f mydeployment.yaml -f myotherdeployment.yaml
# Validate all the resources found under the namespace 'myns' of a cluster with 'kubectl get'
kubectl get all -n myns -o yaml | skan manifest --report-passed -f -
# Validate resource kustomization
kubectl kustomize helloWorld | skan manifest -f -
# Validate Helm Chart
helm template kaudit deploy/charts/kaudit --set k8sAuditEnvironment=eks | skan manifest -f -
Docker images
docker pull alcide/skan:v0.7.0-debug
docker pull alcide/skan:debug
docker pull alcide/skan:v0.7.0
docker pull alcide/skan:latest