A simple React app to search for GitHub users and view their public repositories.
- Search GitHub users
- View user details and public repositories
- URL-based search using TanStack Router
- Form validation with Zod
- Styled with Tailwind CSS
- React 19 + TypeScript
- TanStack Router for navigation
- React Hook Form & Zod for form validation
- Tailwind CSS for styling
- Vitest & Testing Library for testing
Create .env
- VITE_GITHUB_TOKEN: Your GIthub Fine-grained personal access tokens
cp env.example .env
1️⃣ Install Dependencies
npm install
2️⃣ Start the Development Server
npm start
Will runs on http://localhost:3000
4️⃣ Build for Production
npm run build
– File-based routing setupsrc/components/
– Reusable UI componentssrc/hooks/
– Custom hooks