In this repository you can find the code files that are part of the work: "Eckhaus selection: The mechanism of pattern persistence in reaction-diffusion systems" Aldo Ledesma, Alejandra Ortiz, Jodé Luis Aragón e Iván Santamaría.
The Comsol file (.mph) "simulations" contains the solution for the Bruselator system, a reaction-difussion system, that will be used in all programs.
The Mathematica (.nb) files that allow the Fourier Analysis are arranged in each folder of numerical solutions in the same order that they appear in the article.
Inside each folder there is a readme.txt file that details how each calculation was made.
All Mathematica and Comsol files are also commented inside describing the steps of calculations.
Comsol 5.2 and Mathematica 11 were used for the final versions of these files.