- heroku login
- heroku container:login || docker login --username=_ --password=$(heroku auth:token) registry.heroku.com
- heroku create
- docker build -t registry.heroku.com/mysterious-forest-66057/web:latest .
- heroku container:push web --app <heroku_app_name>
* heroku container:push web --app mysterious-forest-66057
- docker tag <image> registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>
- docker push registry.heroku.com/<app>/<process-type>
- make local code changes to your app then run the below
- heroku login
- heroku container:login || docker login --username=_ --password=$(heroku auth:token) registry.heroku.com
- heroku container:push web --app mysterious-forest-66057
- heroku open -a mysterious-forest-66057
- docker pull alejandroAPI
- docekr pull registry.heroku.com/mysterious-forest-66057/web
- docker pull selenium/hub
- docker pull selenium/node-chrome
- run api on port 3001
$ docker run -p 3001:8080 registry.heroku.com/guarded-scrubland-78590/web
- run grid (ports 4444 and 5555 as per docker-compose.yml)
$ app/features/docker-compose up -d
- Run app pointing to localAPI -> USE IP from ifconfig or ipconfig (but you must be on a LAN or internet) - look a creating a dev env
$ APP_ENV=local npm start
- Build docker image for the web app and link to API
- abstract your local IP to use something like <alejandro> so that your code and test can use this
* created updatehost.sh to update the osx hosts file
* run with `sudo sh updatehost.sh`
- spin up selenium grid and API using docker compose
`$ cd app/features/
# below shell script only updates in linux/osx, also if you change network connection
your IP will change so clean up you hosts file manually
$ sudo sh support/updatehost.sh
$ docker-compose up -d
$ cd ..
$ npm run local
- after running your environment locally then you can run the cucumber test (use node 6.11.1)
$ cd app
$ npm run test