Author: Alec Powell (
This repo uses a Python producer script to call the OpenSky REST API ( to fetch live flight locations for thousands of planes around the globe and feed them into an Apache Kafka cluster.
STEPS (as of 01-07-2022)
- Install pre-reqs (note new v2 of Confluent CLI was released Nov 2021)
Make Confluent Cloud and GCP accounts
Install the Confluent CLI
curl -sL --http1.1 | sh -s -- latest
export PATH=$(pwd)/bin:$PATH
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Spin up Kafka cluster, topic(s)
confluent login
confluent kafka cluster create ...
confluent kafka cluster use <cluster-id>
confluent kafka topic create flights
confluent kakfa topic list
- Set up configs
Create your API keys for Kafka & Schema Registry first:
confluent api-key create --resource <cluster-id>
confluent api-key create --resource <schema-registry-id>
Now, create your librdkafka.config file and paste in the API keys/Secrets. It should look like this:
# Kafka
# Confluent Cloud Schema Registry
- Produce data!
Our producer is based on Confluent's example script using confluent-kafka Python client.
Call the event producer script from the kafka
directory. -f
is path to your librdkafka.config file, -t
is topic name, -n
is number of consecutive API calls you want to make (there is a 10second sleep between API calls, so -n 3
will take ~ 30seconds to run)
./ -f librdkafka.config -t flights -n 20
- ksqlDB for fun & profit
Create a ksqlDB app using confluent
CLI or in the Confluent Cloud UI.
Browse ksqldb-streams.sql for query ideas.
- Spin up BigQuery Sink connector
Download a json file for your BigQuery ServiceAccount, Use the UI -> "Connectors" page to create a BigQuery Sink connector, with 1 task, which will sink data from your Kafka topic to your BigQuery project.
- Query your data in BigQuery!
Browse bigquery.sql for query ideas.
STEPS (Last tested on Ubuntu Bionic-18.04 in 04-2020):
- Install pre-reqs
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git -y
#install mysql-client
sudo apt install mysql-client -y
#install docker
sudo apt install python3-pip libffi-dev -y
curl -fsSL | sh
#you may have to logout and log back in for this usermod to register
sudo usermod -aG docker $(whoami)
sudo systemctl start docker
sudo systemctl enable docker
sudo apt install docker-compose -y
[1b]. Get MemSQL license key (, set as env variable $MEMSQL_LICENSE_KEY
- Clone this repo and spin up the containers using Docker Compose
git clone
cd kafka-memsql-demo/
docker-compose up -d
- Produce data
#install dependencies for producer script
sudo apt install librdkafka-dev -y
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
#create topic
#produce records - default Kafka topic = 'locs', default time between API calls = 10s
#run ./kafka/ --help for script options
nohup ./kafka/ --time 500 > producer.log &
- Prepare the db and pipelines
#Check connectivity to MemSQL cluster
mysql -uroot -h -P 3306
#Create the schemas, enable load data local to load from source file
cd memsql/
mysql -uroot -h0 --local-infile < 01-tables-setup.sql
#create pipeline(s)
mysql -uroot -h0 < 02-pipelines-setup.sql
#create UDFs and SP
mysql -uroot -h0 < 03-udfs-sps.sql
#create pipeline which will use SP
mysql -uroot -h0 < 04-pipeline-into-sp.sql
- Start pipelines!
Browse to
for MemSQL Studio, or use the command line to do so:
mysql -uroot -h0 demo -e 'START ALL PIPELINES;'