Swift classes for simple usage of Core MIDI. Currently only MIDI input is available.
First, we need to define a MIDIMap with appropriate callbacks. For example, we have some audio unit with a parameter "volume":
let volumeParam = audioUnit.parameterTree?.valueForKey("volume") as! AUParameter
We define CC-map, where we bind CC-number with a parameter. Here we bind an AUParameter with key "volume" to a CC with number 7.
let ccMap: [UInt8 : AUParameter] = [7 : volumeParam] // CC-map is a dictionary of type [CCNum : AUParameter]
Now we initialize MIDIMap with the given CC-map.
// All parameters in the MIDIMap class are optional.
let map = MIDIMap(noteOnOffCallback: nil, sustainPedalCallback: nil, pitchBendCallback: nil, modulationWheelCallback: nil, notificationCallback: nil, ccMapping: ccMap)
We also can define callbacks for another common MIDI messages: Note On/Off, Pitch Bend, Modulation Wheel and MIDI Notifications.
Let's define a callback for the modulation wheel. Our audio unit has a parameter "filter-frequency" with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 1. We're going to change it's value with the modulation wheel.
// get the parameter and initialize a callback
let frequencyParam = audioUnit.parameterTree?.valueForKey("filter-frequency") as! AUParamter
let modulationWheelCallback = {(value: UInt8) in
frequencyParam.value = AUValue(value)/127
// set callback to the MIDIMap
map.modulationWheelCallback = modulationWheelCallback
Now we can initialize MIDIIn.
let midiIn = MIDIIn(clientName: "Here The Name For Your MIDI Client", portName: "Here The Name For Your MIDI Input Port", midiMap: map)
And we can get available MIDI devices now. Let's connect the first one (if any).
if !midiIn.availableDevices.isEmpty {
midiIn.availableDevices[0].isConnected = true
Now we can control the audio unit's parameters with the connected device.