Anki Add-on for integration with Cambridge Dictionary web site -
Create Anki package:
cd anki_cambridge && zip -r ../anki-cambridge-by-word.ankiaddon *
Tools -> Add-ons -> Install from file -> Select anki-cambridge-by-word.ankiaddon
IMPORTANT: This add-on doesn't use official API - only web-scraping.
What it's done (so far):
- Creating notes from link to a word (word title, definition, gramar, IPA, sound, meanings, examples)
- Fetching words from your wordlists - if you supply cookie for you account and wordlist IDs
- Config settings management - save cookie, wordlist IDs
Please, follow these links for quick visual how-to guide.
Your own cookie you can extract, for example, from web browser - Chrome - F12 and refresh page on cambridge
To do (contributors are welcome):
- OpenID authorization - through Google/Facebook
- Native authentification - through Cambridge account
- Token management - keeping and renewal
- Refine UI