Alex's i3wm setup. Branch per distro. Uses a productive and aesthetically pleasing combination of i3wm, lightdm, pywal, compton, and other fun stuff.
I realize it seems a bit strange to keep your home directory as a git repo... I created this because
- My GNU/Linux setup is cool and I wanted to share
- I want to keep my configurations in sync between desktop/laptop
- Personalizing any Linux distro is time consuming, why not automate?
- Background image scripts pull the National Geographic or Bing photo of the day and set as background on login (new background photo every day!)
- The awesome pywal tool extracts colors from the new background. Additional scripts color coordinate everything - urxvt (terminal), vscode, rofi, i3
- Other notable customizations include i3bar, lightdm slick greeter, rofi
- Clone this repo
- cd into the newly cloned repo
cd i3wm-setup
- Run the setup script (as root)
PR for pywal to export a .rasi file defining vars to be imported by rofi's config.rasi davatorium/rofi#756 (comment)
solution to separate vscode settings.json from it's colors to prevent constant git updates