Persist and rehydrate state works on react and react native
Zustand is a small, fast and scaleable bearbones state-management solution.
This library is inspiring by
Contributions are Welcome
$ npm install zustand-persist
$ yarn add zustand-persist
Try Demo Here
// if in react native
// import AsyncStorage from '@react-native-community/async-storage'
const { persist, purge } = configurePersist({
storage: localStorage, // use `AsyncStorage` in react native
rootKey: 'root', // optional, default value is `root`
const useStore = createStore(
key: 'auth', // required, child key of storage
allowlist: ['isAuthenticated', 'user'], // optional, will save everything if allowlist is undefined
denylist: [], // optional, if allowlist set, denylist will be ignored
}, (set) => ({
isAuthenticating: false,
isAuthenticated: false,
user: undefined,
login: async (username, password) =>{
set((state) => ({ isAuthenticating: true }))
const { user } = await webLogin(username, password)
set((state) => ({
isAuthenticated: true,
isAuthenticating: false,
function App() {
return (
onBeforeLift={() => {
loading={<Loading />}>
<AppContent />
- enhanced removing root logic