Terraform Script for deploying a VM in an esxi host.
- POC.
- The script runs and boots up a ova file ready for work to be performed.
- Passwords Hidden From Repo.
- They are Jenkins environment credentials and passed to terraform as TF_VARS_ variables.
- Script uses ESXI service user to perform task.
- Terraform script refining.
- Script should allow you to create multiple machines. (Only planning one OVA to loop through can add more but seems like a hastle for the tfvars file)
- Script should allow you to define multiple names; CPUs and RAM allocation.
- Script should make it easy to gather output.
- Investigate user data for creating different ssh key pairs per instance. (Tabled for now)
- Jenkins file correctly has stages (Approvals??).
- There is a plan stage, an applying stage and an output stage.
- An approval in between plan and applying would be very cool.
- Creating OVAs for all desired OS's and Architectures. (Will do as required)
- Fedora ARM and amd_64 (Currently only amd_64).
- Ubuntu ARM and amd_64.
- Windows 10 ova?
- Enable a simpler manner of creating OVAs or use OVFs (Tested and possible)
The Terraform provider used in this Terraform script was developed by Josenk. Thank you very much for your incredible work.
https://github.com/josenk/terraform-provider-esxi https://registry.terraform.io/providers/josenk/esxi