It is a module to make easier communication with MySensor's network.
This module was originally based on pymysensors module. However, in its way it took some changes which led it to what you can see now.
You can find more information about the MySensors Project on its official webpage (
Currently, all documentation can be accessed in project's GitHub page.
You can find all dependencies in requirements.txt and install them using pip.
- pyserial
python install
pip pymys
This project should support all Python 3 versions. However, it was only tested with Python 3.4.
This module should support MySensors 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6 protocol.
Gateway Implements Gateway's base
- nodes Dictionary of nodes
- protocol_version Gateway's protocol version
- log_queue A queue of log messages
- const Variable that points to the module of contants (mys_14, mys_15, mys_16, ...)
- callbacks A dictionary that points to the functions which will handle each message type
SerialGateway It is an specialization to communicate over Serial port
EthernetGateway It is an specialization to communicate over Ethernet port
Node Implements Node structure
- id Node's id
- sensors Dictionary of sensors
- sketch_name Sketch name
- sketch_version Sketch version
- battery_level Battery level
Sensor Implements Sensor structure
- id Sensor's id
- type Sensor's type
- values Dictionary of values
Message Implements Message structure
- node_id Node's id
- sensor_id Sensor's id
- type Message type
- ack If a message is an ACK message
- sub_type Subtype Message
- payload Message's payload
- connect Connects on the interface. It should be implemented on child classes
- disconnect Disconnects from the interface. It should be implemented on child classes
- send Sends a message to the network. It should be implemented on child classes
- receive Receives a message from the network. It should be implemented on child classes
- presentation Handles presentation messages
- set Handles set messages
- req Handles request messages
- stream Handles stream messages
- internal Handles internal messages
- process Try to receive a message and handle it
- get_free_id Return a free id to be assign to a node
- add_sensor Includes a node in list of sensors
- set_sensor_value Set a new value to a sensor
- copy Return a new Message object
- decode Fill the object using a raw message
- encode Return a raw message using object's information
You can customize your own Gateway by creating a new class which inherit from the SerialGateway or EthernetGateway or even from base Gateway (you will have to implement some required methods such as connect, send and receive). After that, you just need to implement the methods you want to change.
from pymys import mysensors as mys
class NewSerialProtocol(mys.SerialGateway):
def presentation(self, msg):
# Overwriting presentation handler
def get_free_id(self):
# You can even overwrite the algorithm which is responsible for give a free id. Currently, it just see if
# there is any ID free in a range from 1 to 254 and return it.
If you don't want to create a whole new class, you can just create a function and change on obeject's callbacks attribute/
from pymys import mysensors as mys
def presentation(gw, msg):
# Now you can access Gateway object and Message object
gw = mys.SerialGateway("/dev/ttyACM0")
gw.callbacks[0] = presentation
If you just want to print all messages that your Gateway send to you.
from pymys import mysensors as mys
def show_msg(msg):
gw = mys.SerialGateway("/dev/ttyACM0", message_callback=show_msg)
print("Trying to connect...")
while True:
Creating an application with threads which allow you write raw messages and send to your network over your Gateway
import threading
from pymys import mysensors as mys
def run_gateway():
while True:
def show_msg(msg):
print("Read: {}".format(msg))
gw = mys.SerialGateway("/dev/ttyACM0", message_callback=show_msg)
print("Trying to connect...")
t = threading.Thread(target=run_gateway)
while True:
data = input("")
msg = mys.Message(data)