use this package for working with telegram api bot, this package develped to work well with laravel but with some minor change you can use this with raw php
composer require alish/telegram
you need to add service provider and facade manually to config/app.php
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
'Telegram' => Alish\Telegram\Facades\Telegram::class
for laravel 5.5 and above you don't need do this
publish config file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Alish\Telegram\TelegramServiceProvider"
then you see config file in config/telegram.php
config file is like below
'defaults' => [
'token_bot' => '',
'webhook' => '',
'commands' => [
'active' => false,
'list' => [
'start' => 'App\Class'
'handlers' => [
'CallbackQuery' => null,
'ChannelPost' => null,
'ChosenInlineResult' => null,
'EditedChannelPost' => null,
'EditedMessage' => null,
'InlineQuery' => null,
'Message' => null,
'ShippingQuery' => null,
'PreCheckoutQuery' => null
'loaders' => [
fill token_bot with token you get from bot father, and set webhook with your desire url (relative url)
if you want to handle commands receive from telegram api bot in specific class ypu can declare it here, first set 'active' to true, then in 'list' array list your command with related Class handlers.
classes specified in this file should inheret from Alish\Telegram\TelegramCommand
then put your logic in handler function
use Alish\Telegram\TelegramCommand;
use App\Http\Bot\State;
class StartCommand extends TelegramCommand
public function handler()
// put your logic here
you have access to Message object with $this->message (See Message Class) NOTE *** if you active commands handler then you'll not get message in MessageHandler in your handlers section
in this section we splited message type that receieve from telegram to seperate class handlers, then for handle each type you need to declare related class. class have been defined as handlers should inheret from TelegramUpdateHandler __Example: __
use Alish\Telegram\TelegramUpdateHandler;
class CallbackQueryHandler extends TelegramUpdateHandler
public function handler()
// put your logic here
you have access to Update object with $this->update See Update Documentation
if you want to do some actions before handle message you can define loader classes. this class receive update object recieve from telegram api class have been define as loaders should inheret from TelegramLoader Example:
use Alish\Telegram\TelegramLoader;
class StageHandler extends TelegramLoader
public function process()
// put your logic here
this loaders don't prevent from your defioned handlers to receive update, then be careful to use these
with this facade you can do all actions defined in telegram api bot (See Available Methods)[]
you only need to use same methods in telegram api Example:
// sending Message:
// you must provide required filed, optional field is still optional
Telegram::sendMessage(['chat_id' => 'user chat id', 'text' => 'Welcome to my bot']);
// forward message
Telegram::forwardMessage(['chat_id' => 'user chat id', 'from_chat_id' => 'from chat id']);
because chat_id is require for all action except 1 or 2, you can use
Telegram::chatId('user chat id')->sendMessage(['text' => 'Welcome to my bot']);
// instead of
// Telegram::sendMessage(['chat_id' => 'user chat id', 'text' => 'Welcome to my bot']);
for sending buttons you need to json_encode button arrays Example
$buttons = [
['text' => 'some text'],
['text' => 'some text']
['text' => 'some text']
$replyMarkup = json_encode(['keyboard' => $buttons])
Telegram::chatId('user chat id')->sendMessage(['text' => 'Welcome to my bot', 'reply_markup' => $replyMarkup]);
for sending files you need use getFile method from InputFile class Example:
use Alish\Telegram\Template\InputFile;
Telegram::chatId($chatId)->sendVideo(['caption' => $text, 'video' => InputFile::getFile($pathToFile), 'reply_markup' => $buttons, 'reply_to_message_id' => 'message id']);
you can get telegram user in recevied update with below command: to see which information is in user object see (User Object)[]
$telegramUser = Telegram::getUser();
all telegram object mapped to their classes, this means when an update receive from telegram api it maps to Update class, Update Class Contains:
* @var integer $update_id
* The update‘s unique identifier. Update identifiers start from a certain positive number and increase sequentially.
* This ID becomes especially handy if you’re using Webhooks, since it allows you to ignore repeated updates or to restore the correct update sequence, should they get out of order.
protected $update_id;
* @var Message|null $message
* Optional. New incoming message of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
protected $message;
* @var Message|null $edited_message
* Optional. New version of a message that is known to the bot and was edited
protected $edited_message;
* @var Message|null $channel_post
* Optional. New incoming channel post of any kind — text, photo, sticker, etc.
protected $channel_post;
* @var Message $edited_channel_post
* Optional. New version of a channel post that is known to the bot and was edited
protected $edited_channel_post;
* @var InlineQuery|null $inline_query
* Optional. New incoming inline query
protected $inline_query;
* @var ChosenInlineResult|null $chosen_inline_result
* Optional. The result of an inline query that was chosen by a user and sent to their chat partner.
* Please see our documentation on the feedback collecting for details on how to enable these updates for your bot.
protected $chosen_inline_result;
* @var CallbackQuery|null $callback_query
* Optional. New incoming callback query
protected $callback_query;
* @var ShippingQuery|null $shipping_query
* Optional. New incoming shipping query. Only for invoices with flexible price
protected $shipping_query;
* @var PreCheckoutQuery|null $pre_checkout_query
* Optional. New incoming pre-checkout query. Contains full information about checkout
protected $pre_checkout_query;
you can't access directly to this properties because this should initiate from what receivedd from telegram api, if you want to access to each property use dynamic method with 'get' prefix for example for getting update_id use getUpdateId() method if you want manipulate received message use set method to change properties, $update->setUpdateId('whatever');