Scripts to help speed up the installation and configuration of an ubuntu server.
Tested for installations of:
- Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr)
- Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet)
- Ubuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf)
The create_iso script will download a Ubuntu Server ISO and reconfigure it to perform an unattended installation.
This script is written to run on an existing Ubuntu system and has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Desktop.
Download the script and run it
wget && chmod 755 create_iso
sudo ./create_iso
The script will ask what version of Ubuntu ISO to remaster and then prompt for your preferred initial account credentials. The ubuntu.seed file contains all the defaults used for the unattended installation.
The post_install script is included in the ISO bundle so that it may be executed after installation to patch and configure the installation.
The resulting ISO can be burnt to CDROM, USB drive or mounted directly for other installation methods, such as creating a virtual machine.
These are suggestions based on how I've used these scripts in my own process.
This assumes you have enabled SSH and ESXi Shell on the ESXi host.
Push any unattended installation ISOs you created, and want to use, to your ESXi datastore, say a directory you created called ISOs under the default datastore
scp /tmp/*unattended.iso
Log into the ESXi host and download the create_esxi_vm script like this
wget -Oq && chmod 755 create_esxi_vm
Create a virtual machine using the vCPU, memory and storage defaults and one of the installation ISOs you just uploaded
./create_esxi_vm -n server_01 -i /vmfs/volumes/datastore1/ISOs/ubuntu-14.04.3-server-amd64-unattended.iso
Once complete, the virtual machine will automically power on and install Ubuntu Server. After a few minutes it will reboot and end on a login prompt.
To perform post installation configuration, open a console on the virtual machine, login using the credentials defined.
The post_install script will patch the Ubuntu OS, configure some basic security settings and install the CarryBag environment.
If you created a Ubuntu Server using the unattended installation ISO described above, then log into the server using the preferred credentials defined and run
sudo ./post_install
The scirpt will prompt for your preferred hostname and domian before performing any configuration. Once configuration is completed successfully, the script will delete itself and reboot the system.
For systems created without the unattended installation ISO, you could download the script in various way. Here are some suggestions
wget -Oq && chmod 755 post_install
If you've stumbled upon this project and wish to contribute, please let me know.